Swimming near L.A.

I have never successfully lost weight, but have with the help of this website kept from gaining it. Now I am more committed.

The one time when I have really lost weight was when I briefly lived in Orange County. It wasn't that I was trying to lose weight or anything. It's just that our apartment complex had a pool, and for some reason nobody used it. So I did. I loved being in the pool, especially at night. I would often just swim back and forth between the sides of the pool.

I'm not a fast swimmer. I'm not a proper swimmer. If you saw me, you might even say i can't swim. I certainly can't hold my breath. But I love being in the water, especially all alone under the starlight. The temperature doesn't matter. The wind doesn't matter. Nothing matters when I'm in the pool. Other people can come and join in the pool and play, and they can do their own thing... I'm perfectly content in my own world... for hours.

Now, I don't have a pool. The local city pools in Downey and Monterey Park and Montebello don't have very convenient hours. When I was briefly at the YMCA, they had a pool, but I never used it even though I wanted to. Everyone who used it was confident in what they did and how they used it and what the rules were. I still don't know if what I do is technically "lap swimming" or "recreational". There was no one to explain to me the etiquette of how long I can be in the pool or if I should jump in when someone else is using it or what the deal is. So I missed out on that opportunity because I was uncomfortable and antisocial. And not committed enough, I guess.

The two gyms near my house (LA Fitness and YMCA) both have indoor pools that are available at night, but now they want an extra $100+ to join on top of their usual membership. And I already have a gym that's more convenient for me (but no pool) near my work.

Based on this, I'm thinking that I have three options: 1) Try to get into some sort of swimming class or something at a local community college, 2) pay huge fees to rent hotel room just to use thier pool, or 3) suck it up and pay the extra gym membership and signup fees for a second gym.

I've also considered just going out to Long Beach or something on the weekends and swimming in the ocean. Last time I did that I got sick, but I guess I shouldn't let that stop me.

Does anyone know of any other options? Is there a place around these areas where you like to swim? Do you know of any private pools I can rent?