Food alternatives to help keep sugar cravings under control?



  • nickle2dime
    nickle2dime Posts: 23 Member
    Green Smoothies KILL sugar cravings!! Ever have one?
  • fpsmoto
    fpsmoto Posts: 31
    no haha but doesn't sound too appetizing. I have juiced in the past though. My favorite combo was garlic, celery, cauliflower, green onion, carrots and tomatoes and parsley. The tomatoes and garlic make it taste like liquid salsa. only problem is juicing can get expensive.
  • kevinsmithrn
    kevinsmithrn Posts: 70 Member
    Like most responses NO sugar for 3 days will help... it worked for me. It is a huge struggle. Read up on all the bad stuff about sugar and what it does to our bodies - that may give you the motivation to pass on a particularly bad craving episode. Good Luck!
  • makeschanges
    I heard the Paleo Diet even for a week will help reset your system ridding your food cravings
  • MomFLYer
    MomFLYer Posts: 47 Member
    I am going to try the 3 days without sugar - but now I need a good substitute for my Pepsi Freeze - anyone know if I can order a Chai Latte without sugar?
  • vgnfarmer
    vgnfarmer Posts: 108 Member
    No chai latte without sugar but you can get a chai tea bag and just add milk to that tea. High fat, low carb for a few days helps to reset me when I notice I want sugar all the time