Loss of Motivation

Hi everyone,
I'll try and keep it short and sweet to fill y'all in. I'm a long time lurker, first time posting for my own problems. My weight-loss journey began two years ago. I'm in a high protein and high fiber diet, which started along with minimal cardio exercise to counteract a very sedentary lifestyle. I was 24 years old and weighed 270lbs.
Two years into it, I've had some days that I have slipped; some days that I have missed and not wanted to continue my journey. But I have lost 52-55lbs since. Though my achievement is great when you think about it in the big picture, tonight I hit an all time low.
I am currently on my third week of Beachbody's Insanity program. I have loved every minute up until today. Tonight, mid workout, I just got sick of it all. I paused the video, and began to sob like a child.
I am tired of being a person who wakes up and has to think about which breakfast option has more calories as opposed to what tastes better. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and being unhappy; I feel the same, if not worse than when I weighed my heaviest, about myself. I have a luminous wedding dress that I ordered that did not fit (on purpose), which now fits, however all I can worry about is losing more weight so that the dress will for sure fit come wedding day (April 21st).
There are not many people in my immediate life that really understand where I am. So I guess I'm just posting to rant, and hopefully find some encouraging words that will help me carry on. I'm not looking for a pity party or fishing for compliments...I'm just looking for some kind of light to get me through this darkness.

What keeps you motivated when you reach your rock bottoms?


  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Goals. discipline. knowing I can do whatever it is I want to. did I already say discipline? There are days when I just eat whatever I want but I've learned not put them in a row. There are not many days where I don't want to workout... I've never done insanity so I have no idea but maybe it's time to change things up? Just keep going one day at a time:) congrats on how far you already come. you can do whatever it is you want to.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    When I feel like that I notice that I am really beating myself up. So please try to be compassionate with yourself. A friend who is also a therapist told me those are the days she goes and has a pedicure or a massage.... coming from her, a PHD,I expected something much more complicated. Needless to say, I can't imagine losing 50 lbs --- that takes incredible commitment. Kudos. Take some time off-- not too much--- and pick it back up in a few....
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Well, first I'd take a deep breath and name all the things you like about yourself. Focus on that. You're beautiful and strong, you've achieved so much already. Little steps. No need to race or feel overwhelmed. You've done so much already. That's proof enough you can. I can relate to the mirror being an enemy. But it doesn't have to be. Life is too short for self hate and bitterness. Please don't let that consume you.i lost 53 lbs thinking that was my fix for hating myself in the mirror. I picked on myself harder. Suddenly it's my stretch marks or my stomach. It's not a cop out to accept yourself. You're more than the number on the scale or the size of your jeans. You're you! Let that pull you through. Love yourself.

    Then, if ask what your current calorie goal is if you can't fit foods in you enjoy? Are you pushing yourself too hard and stretching yourself out too thin?

    I think everyone goes through slumps. I'll take a week of, sometimes. Or I'll push through and find that I felt better afterwards. I just tell myself that I can't be mad at the results I don't see from the work I don't do. I take it one day at a time. No set dates. Just me on a lifelong road to self betterment♡ Hope this helps. ♡ chin up! :flowerforyou:
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    :flowerforyou: First, way to go! You've accomplished a lot.

    As for me, I just realized today if I hadn't quit a year ago, I'd be at goal right NOW. There's a thought.
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Hi there,

    You are NOT alone with these sort of feelings, everyday the a multiple posts which follow along the same lines of difficult issues and mental stress that come with making the choice to have an overhaul of your life. Whilst everyone is different there is a common thread of underlying causes and also the why it can be so hard to keep going 100% committed as when you first started. It may be worth you while to go and have a look at other threads and see what responses are there, you could may well hit on something that REALLY resonates and helps you.

    Whilst it's a painful experience is does mean that you are human....and thus not impervious to the down times.

    You have done so well with changing your life and achieving such a large weight loss, maybe your a little burnt-out and the Insanity video was the final straw.

    You know you are exactly right in saying it's hard to maintain the original "fire in your belly", day in day out this can and often does become tedious, boring as well as the whole monotony of logging.

    As for ideas on how to change your mind-set, well perhaps it would be helpful to take a break from logging and really intense workouts, even just a short while. Give yourself time to enjoy life outside of MFP.

    You are an ever changing individual, we all are and I was wondering if your regime has become stale for you. Perhaps the 'bare bones' of your lifestyle change is pretty much the one you started with years ago and it no longer serves your needs. If that's the case you may get some benefit from having a good think about your present set of needs, desires. Also you could investigate the wherefores about getting a programme going that will inspire you to keep going.

    Sorry I don't have really any 'great' profound ideas, I'd just wanted to support you and let you know you are not alone....

    Cheers and Good Luck
  • bbus31
    bbus31 Posts: 6
    HI everyone,
    Just wanted to put out a quick note of thanks to everyone who responded. I feel better today, and everything that everyone had to say was worthwhile and helpful. I really appreciate the support and I think it will help me get through another day to try and attain my goals.

    Thanks so much.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    breakdowns happen... it's okay- pick yourself up and move on.

    But don't look for motivation to carry you through. Motivation is like a match.

    it's good while it's there- but it never lasts.

    habits- and just showing up to do the work- success comes from consistency- not from motivation.

    If it's Monday- you do the thing.
    If it's breakfast- you do the thing.

    Just do the thing that needs to be done- don't ascribe emotion to it- or motivation- or tag anything to it- like I'm doing a diet or life style change.

    Just this is what i'm eating- and this is what i'm doing- because it's what I do. And THAT will get you through about 99% of the rough patches. No one wants to work out ALL the time. No one wants to meal plan/prep ALL the time- but it's what you do to make it through to the end goal.

    You can do it- I promise.