Results from ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid?

Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I plan on starting the hybrid right after the start of the new year. I have been plateaued around 155 since January. What kind of results did you get with the hybrid? Can it break me through my plateau and possibly get me to my ultimate goal weight of 135-140? If you saw good results, can you tell me about your eating? What did your calorie make up look like?

Thanks so much!

(p.s. I apologize if there have already been posts like this. I didn't see any when I searched it. :wink: )


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've been doing the hybrid since the beginning of Sept, and I've got about 5 weeks of it to go (I've been taking it a little slow so sometimes one week in the schedule takes me 2 weeks to do). I've really enjoyed it and seen great results from it. My weight loss was pretty steady while doing it when I was following the schedule and eating well. Starting the hybrid actually broke me out of a plateau. At the moment, I've been stuck around the same weight for a month (losing slowly) but I know it's my own fault from eating out and drinking more than I should. But in general, I've seen great results. My arm muscles are fantastic and I'm much leaner. I'm still 152 lbs but I'm a solid size 8 in pants and I even bought a pair of 6s on Friday. At 10 lbs above a healthy weight still, I'm attributing that to the muscle I've built up on the program.

    Also, I've been using the resistance bands for all the strength workouts. I have only 8 lb weights and I found I needed something heavier. The resistance bands work well and it's cheaper and easier to keep in my little apartment than a set of weights.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Thanks, Sara! I just finished CLX, but I was not great at the eating, and it took me longer as well. I am stronger though.
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