Turbo Kick / Turbo Jam cals burned

Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone use a bodybugg or a heart rate monitor to calculate their calories burned doing Turbo Jam videos or Turbo Kick workouts?

If you do, can you let me know how many calories (on average) you burn for different Turbo Jam DVDs or Turbo Kick rounds? I seem to burn a ton of calories doing these workouts, even moreso than Insanity workouts, so I just wanted to see how my personal numbers compare to others.


  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    I just got a body bugg and have done a few Turbo Fire workouts with it on. I used to always wear a HRM before I had the Bugg.

    For a 45-55 minute Turbo Fire workout, I burn about 600 calories. This was a couple hundred less than what my HRM would read for a burn. I haven't done a Turbo Kick class yet with my BodyBugg, but will this week and I will let you know what it reads out. I haven't done an Insanity workout with the BodyBugg either.

    I have found though, that in general, the BodyBugg reads lower than my HRM. That was an interesting peice of info I found out.

    If you want, look through my exercise diary and it should have a bunch of the different DVD's and what my burn was for them using my HRM. I would always wear it and log my burn. Or if I get some time I can look through them and post again.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    If I'm working hard, I generally burn right around 100 calories every 10 minutes. This is after warm-up and cool-down...I burn about half that during those two portions.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I have a bodybugg on my Christmas list and pretty much begging for it because even though the HRM is better than using the numbers on MFP cause it is calibrated for me with lots of different personal factors, I just believe that the bodybugg will be more accurate. My HRM normally reads around 600 calories for Insanity workouts, with even the Fit Test being as high as 450. The Turbo Kick rounds are normally very close probably since they are about the same length...and they average higher than that (usually between 700 and 800 calories). I know that I am working out hard, but...THAT hard? If I eat back all my exercise calories according to the HRM I will be eating a total of 2000 per day. I can't eat that much without stuffing my face all day long. I prefer to keep my calories between 1200 (days I don't work out) and 1600 at the most (days I do work out). I tend to stay around 1400, though, which is technically eating about 200 exercise calories back because I don't want to eat them all back anyway, but I do want to eat some because I know of the benefits of doing that.

    Sorry to ramble, lol. I guess if I don't get the bodybugg, I will buy it myself on 12/26 or just keep eating around 1400-1500 per day and hoping for the best. :ohwell:
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Hope you get your bodybugg!! Eating at those calorie levels, are you losing weight? You don't look like you have much to lose. I usuall eat between 1600-1800 on good days. But when my burn is up above 2500 for the day, I am wondering if the deficit is too high. I am having a hard time dropping the 5-10 pounds I would like to lose. That is why I got the bug, to have more info on the calories out. I wonder if I need to keep my deficit to 500 to slowly drop the weight; I.e. Eat more to lose more. Lyadeia, what do you think?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I have a Bodybugg and in my Turbo Fire workouts I am burning 9 - 10 calories per minute on average. I've lost 18 lbs in 19 weeks of Turbo Fire...it really works!

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Hope you get your bodybugg!! Eating at those calorie levels, are you losing weight? You don't look like you have much to lose. I usuall eat between 1600-1800 on good days. But when my burn is up above 2500 for the day, I am wondering if the deficit is too high. I am having a hard time dropping the 5-10 pounds I would like to lose. That is why I got the bug, to have more info on the calories out. I wonder if I need to keep my deficit to 500 to slowly drop the weight; I.e. Eat more to lose more. Lyadeia, what do you think?

    When I am not "goofing off" like I have been for the past 2 weeks, I have been losing pounds and inches. I am not too worried about the pounds, but I want the inches to come off my stomach, hips, and thighs. I have a goal weight of about 129, but what I really want is simply to have my size 6's fit loosely again. :flowerforyou:

    I like to keep my deficit somewhere between 500-1000 calories. I don't like a really high deficit, but when it is less than 500 the weight doesn't come off fast enough. That's why I try to stay around 1400-1500. That's just what works for me. I think that when I get my lean muscle mass back (I got mushy last year because I haven't done as much strength training as I know I should have) I will probably eat more because you need more fuel to sustain more muscle mass.
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Last night I did a Turbo Kick class and my body bugg told me I burned about 600 calories during that 45 minute class. That is much lower than what my HRM used to read.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Holly. I noticed that my Bodybugg results are also lower than my HRM. I'd rather be conservative than overestimate though so I'm good with it. It's only information anyway...as long as you're eating less than you're burning (whatever that # actually is) you'll lose weight.

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