*Tears*Help why did I gain 2 lbs in 1day

Well I really need help I have been weighing every piece of food that enters my body, I have been working out and recently started doing brisk walking. I did have one day where I went cookie and beef(I never eat red meat) crazy but stayed within my caloric intake and still gained 1lb(185lbs) but lost that yesterday morning when I happen to weigh myself 184lbs (weigh in is usually it's every 2wks 8/28) but this morning I weighed and it said 185.8 WTH? I seriously want to cry bc I've been working hard I feel. I'm 5'4 and my UGW is 120lbs.

I will open my dairy just for the sake if help what you see in my diary is what I eat I'm pretty much eat the same things or simular foods I'm pretty picky. If you have backhanded or mean things to say then don't comment. All positive comments are welcomed.

P.S I know I should avoid the scale so much but I can't help it I like seeing progress


  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I can go up to 3 lbs from one day to the next for a myriad of reasons. Don't get disheartened. You're looking for a weight trend downward over weeks, not days. Weight loss will never be linear. Water retention from exercise for muscle repair, sodium, time of the month, lack of bowel movement can all significantly impact scale weight. Just stick to it and see after a week or two what the scales say..and never give up!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I can go up to 3 lbs from one day to the next for a myriad of reasons. Don't get disheartened. You're looking for a weight trend downward over weeks, not days. Weight loss will never be linear. Water retention from exercise for muscle repair, sodium, time of the month, lack of bowel movement can all significantly impact scale weight. Just stick to it and see after a week or two what the scales say..and never give up!

    yes ^^^^

    if one reading is going to upset you that much then consider weight once a week or once a month
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Weight fluctuates quite a bit through out the day. So this being said this is likely water weight or just natural fluctuation and not something to be concerned with I'm up 2 lbs also but I ate at a buffet last night for dinner.
  • derik999
    derik999 Posts: 73
    The body fluctuates. I weighed in at 248 the other day and then had a big meal for the b-day and a little dessert and was around 253-254 the next day. Some of it was definitely water retention as I'd eaten quite a few carbs and I am normally low carb. Back down to 248 today. It happens, no need to stress!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,717 Member
    Those sudden gains will be glycogen, not fat. Here's a nice explanation of what is going on.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I was 136 on Monday and yesterday I was 140. It happens. It's water retention and/or constipation.
  • chloeealicee
    chloeealicee Posts: 204 Member
    Weight naturally fluctuates by 1-3lbs a day. Have a set time in the day you weigh yourself, you're usually lightest in the morning. Think about it, if you eat 700g meal that's an extra 1.5lbs entering your body at dinner time. Water weight also causes weight to change freely. Don't get too sucked up into the scales. It's better to weigh yourself weekly than daily or even better yet, focus of measurements and inches. Good luck
  • Bsexi88
    Bsexi88 Posts: 83 Member
    I won't give up it just makes me question if I'm doing something wrong? I started I will see it through. Maybe I should have my daughter hide the batteries to the scale????

    I usually weigh same time every morning when my body is empty
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    probably water weight - make sure you are watching your sodium levels. I used to weigh myself daily and it would drive me crazy. Now I check once a month. Keep up the good work! :)
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I can go up to 3 lbs from one day to the next for a myriad of reasons. Don't get disheartened. You're looking for a weight trend downward over weeks, not days. Weight loss will never be linear. Water retention from exercise for muscle repair, sodium, time of the month, lack of bowel movement can all significantly impact scale weight. Just stick to it and see after a week or two what the scales say..and never give up!

    This. in order to have gained two pounds of fat, you would have had to consume 7,000 calories over maintenance. You're likely retaining water, so don't stress about it. Keep doing the right things, and the weight will come off.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    Weigh your self the day after a rest day. I usually weigh the same the day after the gym or even 2 lbs more.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Water retention can be caused by all sorts of things... sodium, time of the month, ovulation, sunburn, glycogen replenishment, increased exercise, muscle repair, etc.

    Don't let 1 reading on the scale get to you. Weight loss will never be linear, aka, a straight line down. Just keep doing what you're doing. As long as your overall trend is down, you're doing it right.
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    I can go up to 3 lbs from one day to the next for a myriad of reasons. Don't get disheartened. You're looking for a weight trend downward over weeks, not days. Weight loss will never be linear. Water retention from exercise for muscle repair, sodium, time of the month, lack of bowel movement can all significantly impact scale weight. Just stick to it and see after a week or two what the scales say..and never give up!
    Agreed. I weigh every day so I can see the trend. I was below my goal yesterday and gained 1.5 lbs between yesterday and today. It doesn't bother me because the overall trend is down. If it upsets you to see that, don't weigh on consecutive days. Go every couple weeks or so.

    The important thing is not to get discouraged and stop your good habits. There are many reasons why your weight may have gone up but don't stop doing the things that make it go down out of frustration. Good luck!
  • DeliD25
    DeliD25 Posts: 19 Member
    The doctor I am working with on my weight loss mentioned a woman can also gain 5 to 15 lbs with her menstrual cycle. Changes day to day are to be expected. Don't weigh yourself daily as it will frustrate you and sabotage your efforts. Health should be your first goal the weight a nice by product. Keep doing what you are doing but only weigh yourself once a week if you want to ensure you are on track.
  • foular
    foular Posts: 2
    You're eating way too much.
    At your height and weight, 1800 calories is too much if your goal is weight loss.
  • bupton56
    bupton56 Posts: 2 Member
    Really excellent information and advice from everyone. We've all been down that same road. It's frustrating short-term, but this is a long-term project. Don't give up!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's water retention. You ate too much sodium, didn't drink enough water, it's that time of the month, you worked out harder than usual, etc.

    I disagree with those who recommend weighing less often. What if you have a high sodium day or are about to start your monthly before that weekly weigh in and don't lose or are up a pound? The reasons still stand and I believe seeing a daily fluctuation can be helpful in looking at weight fluctuations in a logical rather than emotional way.

    Also, I feel your pain... I'm PMSing and had Thai take out the last two days so I'm retaining about 4 pounds of water right now. My weigh in this morning just made me chuckle. I know it'll be gone in a few days with plenty of water, tea and a couple good workouts. I've already peed 4 times this morning - if I hadn't already eating, I bet if I weighed again it'd be down at least a pound already.

    ETA: just took a quick peak at your diary - just going by the spices, boullion and soda, you definitely had a ton of sodium yesterday. Maybe track that instead of sugar or calcium?
  • DeliD25
    DeliD25 Posts: 19 Member
    I won't give up it just makes me question if I'm doing something wrong? I started I will see it through. Maybe I should have my daughter hide the batteries to the scale????

    I usually weigh same time every morning when my body is empty

    Yes loose the batteries!!! lol
  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    P.S I know I should avoid the scale so much but I can't help it I like seeing progress

    Just dont, if you carry on using the scale to measure your "progress" then expect to be dissapointed quite often

    Get a measuring tape or take pictures, you will feel much better about things.