How the heck do I download free music now (MAC users)

kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
No more what?
Don't tell me I actually have to *GULP* pay to download music
:angry: :explode:


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    There are plenty of free radio/listening sites, but as far as downloads go, it looks like you'll be paying for your music from now on. But what's wrong with that?
  • jessimacar
    To download free things (we'll pretend you're only downloading free things, nothing you'd have to pay for elsewhere, Lol.) you can use sites like, and download them through a program called uTorrent. It looks very complicated, but it's not! I recommend you check them out. :) Send me a message if you need some help!
  • ShaneCRoach
    Re: Why not pay for what you listen to -- I would have no problem paying for what I listened to if the musicians would stop working with crooks. The technology to have everything freely download from the net is going on two decades old now, and we still pay a premium, NOT for the music, but for the services that make the copies.

    Copies free or no deal. Period. End of Story. We have the internet now. We don't need you. Your industry is a dinosaur. Find something else to do for a living. That's my take on the matter.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Re: Why not pay for what you listen to -- I would have no problem paying for what I listened to if the musicians would stop working with crooks. The technology to have everything freely download from the net is going on two decades old now, and we still pay a premium, NOT for the music, but for the services that make the copies.

    Copies free or no deal. Period. End of Story. We have the internet now. We don't need you. Your industry is a dinosaur. Find something else to do for a living. That's my take on the matter.

    Find something else to do for a living? Where will new music come from? Regarding the industry, the same could be said for film and tv and print media. Are you content to simply surf the web for all entertainment, happy to get news and reading material from blogs? The entertainment industry is still going strong for a reason and not paying those who create for their work simply isn't fair.
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    Okay, you just found my hot topic button because I'm an Internet radio station owner and believe whole-heartedly in copyright law and performance royalties. So, unless the music is being offered BY THE ARTIST for free downloads, I don't believe people should download any music for free.

    If you would like to stream music over the Internet, I would appreciate it if you would give my station a listen... and I do pay performance royalties for the songs I play. It's free for you to listen though.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    I'm with the Pay For It crowd.

    Because it's illegal to steal. Keep it simple. Stay out of court. Sleep like a baby.
  • ShaneCRoach
    I very specifically said I am content to pay the artists. I don't have much else to add to that portion of my rant until someone actually addresses it directly. We pay too much for content providers is my point, and the artists have tied their careers to these people whose methods are very obviously obsolete. All parties involved are going to have to get with the program because the old models are beginning to impinge on freedom of speech and expression.

    And yes, I am quite content to surf the web for entertainment and content. I take a gander at mainstream media from time to time to be sure I am not out of the loop on anything, and the fact is I am as informed, and usually more so, simply by using internet resources.

    I don't miss Desperate Houswives-esque mass entertainment media one iota.
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    I guess I'm not following you, Shane. If you're content to pay the artists, what business model would be acceptable to you to do so?

    Which business models are you saying are obsolete?

    Just because there is (2 decades old) technology that allows us to download free music from the Internet doesn't mean we should. As cmriverside said, it's illegal to steal. If the artist did not give people permission to download the music for free, anyone that downloads it for free has stolen it. That's the whole purpose of copyright law... to prevent theft of intellectual property.

    To whom are you referring when you say, "We have the internet now. We don't need you. Your industry is a dinosaur. Find something else to do for a living."? What industry is the dinosaur?

    Everyone within the music industry plays their own vital part. Are many of them overpaid for what they do? Sure. Are many artists grossly underpaid for what they do? Sure. That's what I think needs to change... the formula for distributing the paychecks.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Okay, you just found my hot topic button because I'm an Internet radio station owner and believe whole-heartedly in copyright law and performance royalties. So, unless the music is being offered BY THE ARTIST for free downloads, I don't believe people should download any music for free.

    If you would like to stream music over the Internet, I would appreciate it if you would give my station a listen... and I do pay performance royalties for the songs I play. It's free for you to listen though.

    People who download music without paying for the rights for that music are stealing. It's a Federal law and it hurts the music industry. Cool sounding blather and faux "rage against the man" do not change that.

    To me, it's where you want to stand in society and what you want your children to become. If you steal music "cause it's just a song" you're being a parasite as well as a crook.

    When kids are involved, there's a broader issue - do you want to teach your kids to be a productive, contributing member of society or do you want them to grow up thinking that it's OK to steal? If you do, why not pirate software, too, and then move on to shoplifting?

    Oh, BTW, I've been a professional programmer for almost 20 years, including 3 1/2 years as a software engineer for Apple, so I've got a little skin in the game.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Heh, your ad hominem is a little misplaced, don't ya think?

    It's not to say that I don't agree about how poorly the music industry is run in terms of distribution, but for a real audiophile digital music is crap. I want to see things like "tape" come back. That's all blathering on an aside, though, I just like analog stuff.

    The brass tax of it, though, is that your solution will lead to lower production values because they won't have any money to pay the engineers, music will be recorded more shoddily than the lo-fi stuff is already. I'm all for DIY recordings (and I've heard some stuff recorded in living rooms and kitchens on a lap top that sound great), but there wouldn't really be anything for anyone to shoot for, because the system would then change to bands having to pay to have their stuff recorded instead of having a record company to back them (without record companies, where will they get an advance?) ... all of the things a band has to look forward to by making it big would be gone. Although I guess it would make people start out on more of an even field.

    Heck, there are lots of relatively popular bands who are in situations like this because of diminished record sales. Although I'm being rather loose in my terms there.

    But then there's this ...
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    ATT949... Since you quoted me before your comments, I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or trying to tell me I'm in the wrong. I certainly hope you're not trying to say I'm wrong for what I'm doing, because I'm not doing anything illegal. I'm not downloading music illegally, nor do I make music available to download. My radio station streams music over the Internet and I DO pay the royalties... more royalties than any FM station does. Not only do I pay the publishing rights (ASCAP, SESAC, etc.), I also pay SoundExchange for the performance royalties that FM stations don't have to pay. My outrage isn't against the industry. My outrage is against all the people that think they have the right to download anything they want, just because it's on the Internet. That's not the case.

    And, halobender, to whom were you replying? Interesting link.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member

    And, halobender, to whom were you replying? Interesting link.
    We were both replying to Shane. He's a doofus.