i need support

I don't want to be the fat girl anymore. But I can't stay on track on my own. My family laughs at me I have no one to support or motivate me. This forum is my last hope. :(


  • ONEILS13
    Shame on your family!!!! I will be here to cheer you on. You CAN do this. This if for you and no one else. Take it a little at a time. If you have a lot of weight to loose in can be overwhelming. Just remember how long it took you to get there, it will take some time to loose it but be patient with yourself. Every little thing adds up. So if you can't get out for han hour to work out go for a 10 minute walk on your breaks, Warming something up in the microwave for 2 minutes...Do step outs side to side for those 2 minutes. You have to have movement and eat right. I'm an eclectic eater so I watch my calories but I do not forbid myself anything, I just have to plan for it. think of all you do for everyone else in your life.....Now it's time to do something for you!
  • AmethystIce
    AmethystIce Posts: 13 Member
    That sucks dude, your family should be more supportive. I've been overweight all my life so I get it, add me if you want and I'll try and help you stay on track. You also just need to find the right diet that works for you, I'm off carbs right now and it works great for me but that doesn't mean it will for others. Anyway, don't give hope! You'll find that inspiration that gives you the motivation to obtain your goal. GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • LivyMarie93
    LivyMarie93 Posts: 134 Member
    Pretty sad that your family laughs at you. They should praise you for wanting to change. You have my support. Hopefully you'll log in often. :)
  • mikkiish
    mikkiish Posts: 17
    I need support too I need to lose 10-20pounds and I'm 5"2 on everyday and check feed constantly plus I give good advice and love to motivate so add me!(:
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    You have come to the right place. So many of us are coming from a similar place in our weigh-tloss. You can bounce ideas, get encouragement, find new recipes, and you'll NEVER feel alone! I am sorry your family doesn't support you, but know that there is a WORLD of support here at MFP - - but it depends on YOU to be here to get it. Log on regularly and be committed to yourself and we'll all be here, too. You can do this!!!
  • sutschek111
    I agree with everyone, shame on your family for not supporting you!! I will be your friend and support you. I think that it is awesome that you are making a life change. Just remember that you are doing this for yourself, not for others, so who gives a damn what they say or think! You will have the last laugh on this one!! :bigsmile:
  • debbiewbaker1
    debbiewbaker1 Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it! I was discouraged back in May when I was trying so hard and couldn't lose weight. In fact, the scale was moving up instead! I couldn't wear any of my clothes and was so down. I regrouped in June and decided to commit. I've lost 16 lbs this time, and I have no will power. Here are the big factors that are making it work for me this time:
    --I didn't beat myself up in the beginning if I went astray. I just regrouped the next day and kept going
    --Really using the food diary helps so much! Keep track of everything you eat.
    --Old-fashioned calorie counting does work! If you eat less than you burn you will lose.
    --Make healthy swaps that allow you to eat filling foods--spaghetti squash with sauce and lean hamburger instead of pasta saves you 180 calories!

    Good luck and let us know how you are doing! Sometimes people don't offer their support because they secretly jealous that you are motivated to make positive changes. Show 'em all up! : )