Just wanted to say that I'm doing something about it!

I just wanted to share that I've been somewhat upset because my weight was getting a little out of control. Off and on I tend to be uber healthy and exercising alot, then I'll give up. But I want to just share that instead of letting myself gain more weight, I'm going to not overwhelm myself like I've done in the past and ease into this!

Lost 3 pounds in the last couple days, Just started but still :smile: I want to say it's a victory and learn how to talk nice to myself instead of badly.

For some reason, I've always thought that in order to do something different, I'd have to hate my body to want to work toward something else, but I want to change my perspective from forcing myself to hate myself (because when I don't mind about how I look, and I love myself, I don't really eat all that healthy), I want my motivation to be that I don't have to hate my body to want to change it, I can just show myself some love in a new way :wink:

PCOS cyster here!
