Breaking out with pimples following intense exercise

Hi everyone,
I joined MFP in May 2014. I started eating healthier meals and walking. So far, I have lost close to 40 pounds. I joined a local gym 1.5 weeks ago and have been exercising for 1.5 hrs/ 5days a week. I have a thorough exfoliating and facial cleansing routine. I wonder why I am getting cystic pimples on my face. Is this a normal detoxifying process, or might I need to get some blood work done. Just wondering if any of you got pimples when you 1st hit the gym.


  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I get those and witch hazel works very well for me, both clearing them up and keeping them away. You can get it for cheap at the drugstore or spend $$ on toners and other products with it, I've done both :laugh:
  • frayst
    frayst Posts: 62
    It could be hormonal. I get cystic pimples right before my period that's why I associate that type of acne with hormones. When I first started exercising I lost my period for 2 months, and I heard how other people either started getting earlier, heavier periods so you never really know which direction your hormones will decide to swing if you drastically change your lifestyle. If the recommended remedies don't help then maybe just waiting it out will until your body readjusts.
  • starseed777
    starseed777 Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for the response, ladies. I got witch's hazel yesterday.
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    Do you wash your face immediately after exercising? I sometimes get a rash or my face burns from the sweat but I regularly wash my face with just water mid exercising and that helps.
  • zaina510
    zaina510 Posts: 31 Member
    always make sure that you are washing your face after your workout - i understand that you have thorough cleansing and exfoliating routine, but if you are leaving the sweat on your face from the workout and are not washing your face for a few hours - it can cause acne to occur. i noticed it on myself and washing my face right after the workout seems to have corrected it.

    it's gonna cost you a fortune for your makeup if you are working out in the middle of the day :tongue:
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    I definitely recommend getting checked out medically if that's an option for you.

    My only contribution for things to consider is that you could be getting bacteria from the gym onto your skin. Hanging or setting down your towel, touching the wipe-down rags (if they're not disposable), other people not wiping down the equipment, etc. Either touching the towel directly to your face, or with your hands. Being *extra* mindful about touching your face, and making sure to wash immediately after working out, might help (or at least prevent more breakouts).

    Congratulations on the ~40 lb loss!
  • redheadedyogi
    redheadedyogi Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with what others have said. In addition to post-workout cleansing, I clean my face pre-workout so makeup, etc., isn't clogging my pores as I'm sweating. I use pre-moistened facial towelettes to make it easy.
  • starseed777
    starseed777 Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for all the tips on avoiding germs at the gym and facial cleansing, ladies. I am happy to report that I can see a difference after just 24 hrs following toning with Witch Hazel. Cheers.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    An addition you might find helpful would be to give your face a wipe down with the witch hazel before you begin heating up and sweating. That gets any makeup off your face so your skin can breathe and could prevent your pores from getting clogged up with your makeup.
  • I just found this thread. I am also having a problem with breakouts. I do not wear makeup when I workout or walk.

    I usually walk 2 miles in the morning, hit the gym during the day and walk another 2-3 miles in the evening.

    My problem is that I have extremely oily skin but if I wash it after each workout or walk my face gets irritated and then even oilier.

    Any suggestions?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I just found this thread. I am also having a problem with breakouts. I do not wear makeup when I workout or walk.

    I usually walk 2 miles in the morning, hit the gym during the day and walk another 2-3 miles in the evening.

    My problem is that I have extremely oily skin but if I wash it after each workout or walk my face gets irritated and then even oilier.

    Any suggestions?

    Are they regular pimples or cystic? Cystic ones are smaller, harder and deep under the skin. See above for dealing with those.

    If it's regular acne, have you tried clay-based cleansers? They are waaay less irritating to the skin. If you have a Lush store near you I highly recommend going there, they'll let you try out the different cleansers first. Kind of pricey stuff (unless you live in UK) but so nice. I'm using Herbalism right now. Here, have some bath & body porn:,en_US,sc.html
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Also try to avoid touching or rubbing your face at the gym unless it's with a clean soft towel you brought and use only for that. Gyms are dirty.
  • My face started to break out as well when I got back into a good workout routine and started drinking a lot more water throughout the day. I try to drink at least 60-140 ounces (or up to 101.7 liters) of water a day. :laugh: But I also found that my cleansers were not working on the milia or the breakouts. The milia are just clogged pores that are difficult to remove with normal washing and require exfoliation or extraction. I actually have an appointment next weekend to get a deep pore facial to help clear out all the gunk in my face to help with the issue I am having. Maybe something worth considering if your pores are getting clogged a lot more with the sweat and bacteria.
  • joeboland
    joeboland Posts: 205 Member
    I was getting the same thing, and I just started using OXY face-scrub as part of my post-workout shower routine. Hasn't been a problem since.
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    I literally have the exact same problem I used to get em on my face around my nose as well as chest and shoulders. Just go to any mart that also has a pharmacy section and pick up some scrub for it. it'll work wonders
  • Thanks for the advise.

    I noticed I was starting to breakout when I started at the gym and drinking a lot of water.

    Last night I tried to use my Clarisonic (I haven't used it in quite awhile) but it just irritated my skin and made my face hurt worse. Now I remember why I haven't used it in a while :grumble:

    This morning I used one of those face wipes after my walk. I wanted to at least get the sweat off my face, before I could take a shower and wash properly. I think I will continue this and see how my face reacts.
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    I've been having problems with acne for a few years. I had perfect skin as a teenager, but now I'm hitting that "pimples AND wrinkles" point :grumble: I have super sensitive skin, and all the sweating combined with rubbing sweat off of my face just freaks my skin out to no end! I use Clearasil sensitive skin pads before I workout to remove all the oil/excess makeup. Wash my face in the shower with regular old Noxema. I use an gel by Alba (it's marketed as a "natural" product, and it with Burt's Bees product in my store, rather than by the rest of the face care products) called Natural Acne-Dote Invisible Treatment Gel. I put this on at night before going to bed, then again in the morning when my breakouts get bad. Also, this thing is a lifesaver at preventing those nasty cycstic pimple from popping up around my nose
