Not Your Everyday Edibles Game

XChibi Posts: 4 Member
Everyone knows how to eat an apple and a slice of bread, but what about the "less common in your daily food store" items, like Dragon Fruit or Pumpkin Butter?
In spirit of the other games going on, I thought it would be fun and educational to start a game like the following:

Pick a semi-exotic/less common food item you've tried and describe it a bit.
Then name a food you are interested in having, but maybe don't know how to pick a ripe one or how to cook it. Maybe someone will share their experience with that item.

I'll start with a fruit that I recently discovered: Lychee Nuts

Look for a red hue on the textured skin to tell it is ripe.
Peel it like you would an orange.
Inside is the white, juicy, sweet meat. To me, it tastes like a skinned, sweet, white grape.
Be careful for the pit in the center!

I'd like to hear more about Star Fruit. I always see them in the store but I've never been brave enough yet to buy one and experiment.


  • Organicgasm
    Organicgasm Posts: 592 Member
    Star fruit is pretty good. It honestly doesn't have a strong flavor. Sorta generic and pear-like in my opinion. But my kids love it for the fun shape.