
New to this app. Let me give you some background info. Have always had a problem with my weight. Was a chunky kid, chunky teen, ballooned up to 100 lbs overweight in my early 20's. lost it all. gained some back, lost it, gained some back. took a very strenuous job in 2008, lost 77 lbs, got down to 117, and stayed there the 5 years I worked there. Had to leave to due horrible sciatica caused by the heavy lifting. Now out of work for almost a year, I have put back on 10 lbs, and I am freaking out. I'm 61 and recently bought a gazelle edge to work out with.
I like this app because it helps me track what I eat,, and also my exercise. All my weight goes to my hips, thighs, and belly. I am newly remarried, met my husband on the nightshift when I was working.
So..now the problem. I haven't been able to find a job, so I try to stay up all night, so that we will be on the same schedule. I do the housework etc while he's at work. But I tend to munch more at night that I ever did during the day. And, my hubby has a wiry build and hasn't gained an ounce since high school!! he is 60. makes you want to barf, doesn't it? he likes to have a drink or two when he gets home to unwind ( our 6am is like most people's 6pm).. I'm not much of a drinker, but I do like decaf with baileys creamer and a little bit of rum. My god, how fattening!! didn't realize it til i got the app. But this is our most important time together, and I can't get it through my head that mich ultra is a good thing at that time of morning. We have breakfast ( mine is fiber one cereal or greek yoghurt ) We go to sleep around 9am, he gets up around 6pm, I have trouble sleeping, so I'm up by 3 or 4
So, now I'm making two dinners, one for him and one low carb for me. trying to snack healthy with hummus and celery sticks when I'm really dying for chicken wings or pizza..
I'm going to start taking estroven and wondered if any of you have taken it and what you thought of it.
Losing weight is so much harder when your older and not that active. Would really appreciate any support and or suggestions any of you might have.