Diet+Exercise= no weight loss!! Motivation needed :(

Help!! I'm in need of some motivational words!! Please can someone help me understand why after a good 2 months of running almost every night and REALLY cutting back calories has to led to no weight loss? Even my face feels PUFFIER - not slimmer....What do I need to understand? Am I going crazy?

I'm gonna keep at it! I know it doesn't happen overnight. But any advice is welcomed.
Thanks! :)


  • xiufat
    xiufat Posts: 2
    be strong dear....

    i dont know if i can give u advice...

    because i just start how to diet...

    but i study a lot about kalori + exercise + and my body...

    maybe there's something wrong with ur diet food...

    keep fighting ! dont lose hope okay ! let's be slim & healthy together !!
  • Maybe your body is adjusting to the changes. Have you tried measuring (hips, waist, etc) in stead of just looking at the scale? Have you been checked by a doctor? Maybe (hopefully not) it's a medical issue.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    3 top reasons for plan fail:

    -eating too few calories
    -being so well rehearsed with your exercise that it is not a challenge (thus not a workout)
    -not measuring portions (and actually eating 3x more calories than you are logging)

    Be glad of what you are capable of doing, and try to add something new.

    Find other marks of success to be your goal than just weight loss, like how you feel in your own skin, how your clothes fit.

    If all you ever do is run, cross train.

    Measure before you eat, and if you bite it, log it.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    how much do you eat? do you measure?
    also, remember to rest.. :) your body needs time to heal too
  • deathbybunny
    deathbybunny Posts: 259 Member
    You should also take into consideration that when you exercise, fat is being little by little replaced by muscle mass which is heavier, so the numbers on the scale are kind of plasmatic. I have the same issue, that's why I decided to wait a little while and then weigh in.
    In any case, try not to put too much pressure on yourself and get stressed. Stress doesn't help either. You're doing so much good for yourself already.
    Hang in there and keep up the good work! :)))
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Based on your profile you're 22 and want to lose another 18 pounds or so. At that point you're entering the 1/2 to maybe still a pound per week loss goal range. It's not rapid loss territory.

    With that in mind, are your settings correct? If you're set for a two pound per week loss, your caloric goals from MFP won't match what you need.

    How much are you actually running? Is it a constant run or a run/walk? It matters when figuring your caloric burn.

    Are you weighing and measuring your food?

    That balance is often the issue on MFP. It is common for people to overestimate what they burn while underestimating what they eat.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You should also take into consideration that when you exercise, fat is being little by little replaced by muscle mass which is heavier, so the numbers on the scale are kind of plasmatic. I have the same issue, that's why I decided to wait a little while and then weigh in.
    In any case, try not to put too much pressure on yourself and get stressed. Stress doesn't help either. You're doing so much good for yourself already.
    Hang in there and keep up the good work! :)))

    No. You don't gain muscle at a deficit... Muscles however can fill up with water for repair, and you end up being heavier from extra water weight.

    Log everything you eat. You're probably eating more than you think.