Advice: tired sleepy day, feeling sick when eating

Hi! My name is Alejandra, this is the first time i ever post to the MFP forums, i'm looking for your advice. First of all, pardon my English, it is my second language.

I'm 25 years old, last time i checked (about three weeks ago) i was 71 kg (156lb?). I've been around 70kg-66kg for years between working out and taking care of what i eat, and giving my self into the sins of my local food, which is mexican, so you go figure.

I've been on c25k for weeks, actually tomorrow is my last day (yay!) and i'm on the second week of insanity. This week has been a little complicated because i just got back to school, so i haven't been able to do every workout, but i've been trying to at least do it every day for about 40 minutes.

So to the problem itself.

Today i felt particularly sleepy and tired. I've been having trouble sleeping all my life, so i take melatonin pills (5mg, at night) to help me get at least 6-7 hours of sleep everyday. These past two days i've worked out at morning (running) and night (insanity) so i've been sleeping pretty well. Today i have no energy at all, i think i won't even try to workout, and i'm so hungry i could just sit and cry.

I haven't been eating well. I must confess i have a lot of problems with breakfast: either i don't eat at all, or i eat a liitle bit of food. It's something i know it's wrong, but for the time i've been working out harder i've tried eating better and i just feel sick and so full right away, to the point of nausea. So i don't eat enough, i work out a lot, and i feel sleepy and hungry (today). I know what i should do: eat a healthy breakfast. But i'm a student who has little to no time for it and started to feel sick anytime i eat eggs and toast.

I've read past threads and someone said to go to the doctor because she was diagnosed anemic. I think i'll look into that. What do you recommend? Should i get protein powder and make some smoothies in the morning? whould i work out less?

Another thing, i don't know if i'm losing weight. I don't have a scale right now, but i do measure my body and i've seen progress, tho.