Reducing calories, feeling like I might end up binging?


I just started on myfitnesspal a few days ago, and it's only been two days, every once in a while, I'll reduce some kinds of foods or something.

Anyways, I guess my simple question is, am I supposed to be feeling hungry when I'm reducing calories? I feel like the 1680 calories went quick somehow for the day! Am I reducing TOO much? I have it set to where I should lose about 2 lbs a week. I'm an obese female, so could it be that?

I'm not a big binger, but when I get tired or feeling like I'm lacking in food, I want to eat more!!

What should I do about this??


  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    How are you getting most of your calories? I know your profile says you are eating low GI, but what does that look like on a typical day? Are there changes you can make to the volume of food you eat without changing the calories? How do you space your meals and how big a meal do you eat first thing in the day?

    Also: why are you trying to change the program without giving it at least a week or two?
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Why do people start dieting without reading about nutrition and exercise first? That's like starting your parachuting career by jumping out of an airplane at altitude and then asking for gear and instructions.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think it may take you a little while to get used to the reduced calories if you have only been on this site for a few days. I say be patient and don't cut out any food COMPLETELY, just eat a bit less of things that are extremely high calorie, fried, can still have everything you had before, within reason, and that will really help you lessen the urge to binge!
  • Westerlywind
    i think my basal rate is maybe like anywhere from 2100 to 2500, I'm not sure because different online things say different things! Most of my calories look like it's in the form of protein, ex. Eggs, chicken thighs, almond flour (for baking) It seems like the protein items have alot of calories in them, so they might seem to "go too quick?"

    My morning meals seem like they are about 350 to 450 calories, with either my lunch or dinner having the most calories. I just eat at any time. I eat about an hour after I wake up, maybe around 9 am, then I usually eat maybe 4 hours after that, say 1pm, then I eat a snack around 4pm, then eat dinner at about 8:30 since I work nights.

    Not trying to change what I'm doing, just curious, wondering if you're supposed to feel hungry when you reduce calories.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Maybe you need to change your set goals to -1lb a week to give yourself a chance to ease into things slowly.
  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    Not trying to change what I'm doing, just curious, wondering if you're supposed to feel hungry when you reduce calories.

    Sorry. When you talked about reducing calories, I thought you meant you were reducing it from MFP recommendations. Also, are you active? Are the 1680 calories you consume NET?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    It is normal to feel some hunger when eating at a deficit, especially 1000 calorie deficits, especially at first. You might be headachey, too, at first. It doesn't mean it's dangerous. Give it some time.

    If the hunger is like "can't sleep at night" levels, you might need to pick a shallower deficit or really re-think your food choices. Vegetables are very low calorie and can add bulk to a small meal. Lean protein is filling. Caloric beverages are not. Etc.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    If you're comfortable then post your stats; height, weight and age here and I'm sure you'll get some help with the calculations. Also if you're comfortable then you could open up your food diary to get some advice on what kinds of foods you might try eating to help you feel full and help setting your macros

    ETA: If you really are at risk of binging then I would reconsider aiming for 2lbs a week in favour of 1lb. Speaking from personal experience I am much less likely to feel like binging when I have a less agressive calorie deficit. Many people get stuck in a cycle of binging and restriction and you're better to head this off in advance before you start. Slow, steady and sustainable is the way to go
  • enfpmom
    enfpmom Posts: 3 Member
    Check out book, Brain over Binge.

    I am 50 lbs over ideal. They book has changed my life.