Finally bought a scale

I finally caved in and bought a scale. Walmart has some nice ones for a fairly reasonable price and free shipping to the store! I have not had a scale around since september. I go off how my clothes fit and pictures. I am so scared to step on the scale and realize I weigh a lot more than I thought I did. I am also afraid of getting obsessed with weighing myself. How do you guys keep away?!


  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    haha i know exactly what you mean! I used to be afraid of weighing myself too before i started MFP. But then i bought myself a nice little cheap scale from Wal-Mart, too, and that fear went away. lol Don't shouldn't become obsessed with weighing yourself. What i do is i make a certain part of the week a "weigh- in day" and i stick to it. For example, every Monday i make sure to weight myself just so i can keep up with my progress. Am i obsessed with it? I think not. lol Good luck! :)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I dont! I weigh regularly but I reckon there are worse addictions! Seriously tho, if you fear getting on the scale........... DONT there is absolutely no requirement to do so, go with how you want to live! I want to weigh I find it motivates me, makes me mad too...... c'est la vie!