Need some support :(

Manda1987 Posts: 207
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I've been logging on for the last 25 days, aiming to lose 2 lbs a week. So far... one pound TOTAL.

That's not the end of it, though. I know I should be happy, because I've lost 13 cm off my waist, 9 cm off my bust and bits off my thigh and hip measurements. But the fact that I'm still carrying around 247 pounds is killing me. I feel like I'm heavy enough that I should be losing pounds along with inches.

I know there are things I could be doing better, but I don't feel like I'm doing badly enough to be stalled. It may be related to the fact that this summer I went on a starvation diet (which was stupid, with the benefit of hindsight), eating 500 cals a day or less. After losing 25 lbs, I promptly gained back 15 once returning to healthy eating habits.

Anywho, I guess I just need some support. I'm almost ready to give up here. Help!


  • sugarbuzz74
    sugarbuzz74 Posts: 17 Member
    hang in there. there are no quick solutions, unfortunately. you're on the right track, just as long as the scale keeps going down instead of up.
  • Hitsujikai
    Hitsujikai Posts: 111 Member
    Like 'Buzz said, as long as the scale is going in the right direction just keep doing what you are doing. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time, don't beat yourself up and try to enjoy it.
  • Cheer up and do your best to make your life healthy and happy~best of everything!
  • If you're losing inches but not losing weight, it means that you're gaining muscle - muscle mass is heavier than fat mass.

    After a little while, your body will slow down the muscle gain and that muscle will burn energy faster than fat would have. I know the numbers are depressing, but try to focus on the measurement numbers for now and the weight numbers will follow.

    Don't lose heart, keep up the good work :-)

  • kat_1972
    kat_1972 Posts: 10 Member
    I understand what you mean. Sometimes when I think of ALL the work I am doing to get healthy I feel like it should be faster or something. The weight was SOOO easy to gain and it is so easy to slip backwards into unhealthy patterns. I too sometimes get on the scale and feel like, "Ughh. That's all I get."

    My response is to remember (or be reminded by others) that this is not a race. I am not trying to lose weight as fast as I can. I am changing my life. I am becoming healthy. And that is going to take me the rest of my life.

    Hang in there! Just keep going and the scale will drop.
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    I know exactly how you feel...and it is a hard battle we fight against the scale. I've had people tell me to feel good about losing inches rather than pounds but my psyche needs the change in both! It takes time, it doesn't happen in a couple of weeks. Keep doing what you are doing and stay away from the starvation diets! Hang in there!!
  • I understand totally how you feel!! Just don't give up!! Drink lots of water and eat lots of fiber also lots of vegies.. The pounds will come off. I look the same, feel the same but yet the scale tells me I have lost the weight. The measurements are totally different but the weight is still there. Don't think of it as a terrible thing but as a lifestyle change. Your body will start dropping the pounds and you will see the results. Keep up the fight and you will reap the rewards!! Stay positive and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • A pound is nothing to sneeze at! Besides, you are shrinking. That is very important. for you to shrink it means your fat is going away which is taking pressure off your internal organs including your heart.
    In 2008 I was about 270 lbs. I had gotten down to 140 lbs through diet and exercise just prior to getting pregnant last year. Unfortunately i gained 80 lbs and now im back at 186 lbs working down. I am frustrated at a plateau too but I feel my strength increasing and my pants are getting loose. Dont only focus on the scale as to whether or not you are making progress. The scale is only one place and its not fool proof. If you have extra sodium for instance the scale shows it and it can be discouraging.

    I just wanted to say dont give up. You will hit a point and your weight will start coming off like snowballs rolling down a hill. You just gotta keep pushing your body and keep up with it. This has to be a lifestyle and when you make it a lifestyle you will succeed :)
  • freebirdsnsc
    freebirdsnsc Posts: 56 Member
    One rule of thumb to lose weight is you must burn more calories than you consume. The other fact? I dont know about you but it took me 13 years to gain 150lbs Although I want it off NOW common sense tells me its not going to fall off over night and if it did Id have some really loose ugly skin.
    Take a deep breath....embrace a healthy life style and refuse to use the word diet because diets fail . Take one day at a time. And tell yourself positive things.
    I eat 5 times a day. I watch my calorie intake. Until I hurt my ankle I was walking 30-60 minutes a day which I will resume once my ankle is healed.
    If you dont take vit D start taking it..... Ive just read an excellent article about the positive benefits of vit D The study showed that obese women generally have very very low levels of vit D and that affects our ability to lose weight
    I take 4000 units a day to not only help with winter blahs but also to help with hunger control and weight loss. I feel so much better since I started taking it. I can tell the difference. I also take fish oil and a multi vit.

    I eat lots of turkey and chicken I also try to eat tuna and flounder I still on occasion eat lean red meat. I do need to get more veggies in...but I ate so much of them the first 3 months I had to cut back.

    I gave up sweet tea! For a southern girl that's blasphemy :-)

    Like I said this is a life style change meaning its a gradual process. You can get control over food and stop abusing it because I have.

    This is the very first time in my life food does not control me.

    It feels like Ive been released from jail

    Good luck with your journey of good health

  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    When I first started I only lost 3lbs in 5 weeks but when I measured I had lost 47inches total all over my body. I would rather my inches get smaller than the number on the scale drop lower.
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