Lower back pain after treadmill workout?

Hey all!
I have been going back to the gym in the past week every other day, mostly doing ~30 minutes of cardio on elliptical machines with little issue. Today I felt that I should probably get back to my C25K routine (Zombies, Run!'s C25K app) and since I was having little issue on the elliptical machines, I thought that I could "cheat" a little and just re-do the last workout that I had done (Week 2, Day 3) so that next week, I can start fresh on a new week. I figured that since I was going to have to do heel lifts, I probably should not be on the elliptical since getting off of those can be a pain, so instead I used the treadmill. I was able to successfully complete the workout, and when I got home I did a cool-down stretch routine from fitness blender. However, now that I have settled in for the night, my back feels like somebody gave me a couple of good whacks about halfway down, where my spine curves. I am wondering if I pulled a stupid somewhere, or if I am just being a little girly baby man.

Thanks for your input :)


  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    Sounds like your back is just tight in general from the walk/running you're doing. A good lower back stretch I do before and after my leg routine is this

    Lay flat on your back on the floor open area is needed - arms spread straight out to the sides legs straight down. Lift left leg straight in the air and reach it cross over the body and try to touch your left toes to right hand with a "tap" do NOT hold it there. Place leg back in starting position and repeat for the other side. Do this for a total of 12 times per side. If your toes do NOT reach your hand just bring it as far up as you can.