A question for the ladies only


I'm new to MFP and I'm going to introduce myself by asking a really personal question (sorry!).

When menstruating, how do you ladies cope with the cravings/hormone changes/lack of energy? Should I up my calories during my period or should I just fight it out. I've only been following this new regimen 4 days and I'm terrified the sudden arrival of Aunt Flo will throw me off track. Halp!

Thanks :)


  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    When it comes to cravings, I'm pretty sure at least a few of the answers will be "if it fits your macros, eat it". I would be inclined to answer the same way.
    If I have a craving, I go for it. Not in the way I used to, but if I can have some ice-cream and a reasonable amount of chocolate - why not? It's not like you are going to deny yourself of this oh so lovely food forever - might as well learn how to eat it in a reasonable amount and fit it in your daily calorie goal.
  • smetka01
    smetka01 Posts: 99 Member
    I eat more chocolate and ice cream :blushing: But I don't up my calories. If needed I exercise more and eat those back :bigsmile:
  • snoringcat
    snoringcat Posts: 131 Member
    I eat more chocolate and ice cream :blushing: But I don't up my calories. If needed I exercise more and eat those back :bigsmile:

    Similar! I get cravings for carbs just before, but I'm trying to minimise my carb intake. So, if I have a little more, I make sure I run/bike/walk it off again and as a bonus, the active sports help with any cramps!
  • leomcdee
    leomcdee Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks all, some great advice.

    As for fitting cravings into calories, I will try and do that but I have a problem with binge-eating so I need to limit the type of foods I'd usually binge on until I get over it. I'm not sure 4 days is long enough, yet ;).

    Another quick question; are macros the same as calories? Or is that things like sugar/fat/carbs intake? This newbie thanks you!
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks all, some great advice.

    As for fitting cravings into calories, I will try and do that but I have a problem with binge-eating so I need to limit the type of foods I'd usually binge on until I get over it. I'm not sure 4 days is long enough, yet ;).

    Another quick question; are macros the same as calories? Or is that things like sugar/fat/carbs intake? This newbie thanks you!

    Yes, the macros are proteins/fats/carbs, but someone pays more attention to them, and someone just focuses on the calories in general.
    Beginnings are tough, but it does get easier with time when you learn to listen to your body's needs. If you fall, just get right back up and continue, and be patient! And I would strongly recommend lifting weights, if you allready don't.
    All the best to you :)
  • katieca123
    katieca123 Posts: 70 Member
    It's okay to splurge a little bit. For example, there's usually one day during mine where my macros are more off then usual, but I'm within my calorie goal. Also, I have a pretty big sweet tooth so I've been buying mio to put in my water and it's actually helping
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    I give in to cravings more than usual. Some days I will still be at, or below my calorie goal, but other days I'll let it go 100 - 200 cals over. I keep my same exercise routine, so a few extra calories on a few days won't hurt anything.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's not always easy but to avoid binging, I only go for things I know I can control myself with. I'm about a week out from Aunt Flo's visit so I know next week is rough. Instead of winging it, I've already decided to buy a bag of Ghiradelli 86% dark chocolate squares. I'll allow myself 2 or 3 of those a day (120-180 cal) and hopefully it'll be enough to satisfy cravings. On the other hand, buying a pint of ice cream would be a bad idea as I'd eat the whole thing. Although, I have found the coconut and almond milk ones (So Delicious) aren't too bad w/ calories so I buy them now and then for a splurge.

    Diet soda can help me too - it's sweet and the carbonation helps me to feel full.

    I'm not usually a salty/cruncy craver but when I am, I like those 100 cal packs of light popcorn. Added benefit is they can be fairly filling and even if you end up eating 2, it's not a complete disaster.

    For weight loss, worry more about calories than macros.
  • sophiecls
    sophiecls Posts: 4 Member
    I don't really up my calories, but I do plan for cravings. I usually crave salty things and get extra "snacky" so one of my go-tos is air-popped popcorn. I usually mist it lightly with an olive oil spray to make seasonings stick and add a little salt and a spice (my favorites are Southwest Chipotle Mrs. Dash, chili powder, garlic powder or dill weed) to make it yummy without all the butter. It's pretty filling, but if I do end up binging on it, it doesn't make a big dent in my progress and I don't feel as bad as I would have with a chip or cookie binge.

    For chocolate/sweet cravings, I like hot cocoa. Depending on what recipe or mix you use, it's can be a fairly low calorie option, and because it's hot, it takes longer to finish it so I'm less likely to want more when I'm done.

    Drinking lots of water also seems to help cut down on cravings.
  • fritz0927
    I'm going throught this too, and it took me two days to realize what my deal was. I am now planning my snacks with that in mind, and my workouts. It takes time to adjust and time to realize the adjustment is needed.
  • mamaoftwins9197
    mamaoftwins9197 Posts: 142 Member
    I don't get a period due to being on depo, but I still get cravings sometimes. I also have a problem with binge eating, especially with ice cream...that's my downfall! I try not to buy it at home, because I will eat the whole container! If I get a craving, I usually take the kids to a fro-yo place and have my bowl and be done with it, if it fits (and sometimes even when it doesn't).
  • skyytlz
    skyytlz Posts: 30 Member
    I dont stock any of it in the house. When I do I eat it...all.

    If I want chocolate I buy it.... but I buy a more expensive one. If im going to waste the calories im gojng to waste the money. Same with icecream. Ill drive a 15-20 m drive to get a cone. If im willing to make the trek then im willing to make the cals fit. (Also I cant find the only flavor I like in stores unless its a really gross frozen desseet...ew)
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I can't really help you with the menstrual question as I no longer have a uterus BUT, as a newbie to MFP, the following are great links with lots of useful info that you should familiarize yourself with:


  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I eat and workout the same way during my TOM as I do during the rest of the month.
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    I started eating dark chocolate with low sugar (my fave is Godiva 72% cacao). I usually eat 1-2 squares (120 cals), though I occasionally eat 3. I stay under my calories, though sometimes I've "earned" more from exercise.
  • Sweetvirgo63
    Sweetvirgo63 Posts: 119 Member
    I've learned over the years not to allow my monthly cycle to interfere with my fitness / eating plan. I've come to notice that by pre-planning my meals and snacks keeps them at bay.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    I eat how I normally eat and take an advil on my first day as I have severe cramps.I don't usually exercise on the first day either
  • Sarra33
    Sarra33 Posts: 30
    I have MFP connected to FitBit so my exercise/calorie intake/deficit are calculated over there

    3 weeks of the month I aim for a 750 cal deficit each day. That one week of the month I aim for a 500 cal deficit. It isn't so much that I crave sweets (although I do) it's more that I feel starving all the time and just need to eat a little bit more.

    So I still run at a deficit during shark week, it's just a smaller deficit.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    Weird, I had just commented in a post that my PMS is worse than usual this month. I allow myself my craving (hello cheesecake this week) but I stayed within my calorie goal. I also found it helped mentally as it satisfied some craving in my brain and then I didn't binge on stuff I didn't really want later on....
    I do def stick with my workout plan, no matter how tired. I didn't want to workout yesterday b/c I was so tired but I made myself and was fine was I started and felt much much better afterwards.
    For me it's an accumulation of little things that have derailed me in the past - you know, I can take the night off it will be fine and then one night off turns into a year LOL. This time around I am much more successful not denying myself anything as long as I stay within my calorie goal (or very close to it) and keep with my exercise program.
    One tip - log EVERYTHING even if you're over b/c chances are seeing how over you are will help you to do better the next day :)
    Good luck!
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    If you have confidence in your "feminine protection products", walking helps with most symptoms of PMS including cravings.

    Otherwise I just fit them in the budget. I get carb cravings and chocolate cravings--so I eat more carbs and 82% or higher dark chocolate, but within budget or "paid for" with walking calories.

    If you don't have any funny reactions to Ibuprofen, it's mechanism of action actually addresses causes of cramps not just the pain they cause, so when you have a choice of pain relievers that are safe for you, it's probably the best one for dealing with menstrual-related pain.