Eat Stop Eat?

A friend from MFP suggested this program to me to give my weight loss a "jump-start" for these last few stubborn pounds.....I'm wondering if there's anyone else out there who has tried the Eat Stop Eat program? If so, please share your success and/or struggles......Thanks!


  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I went through that thread today.....I started my research there.....
  • SkierElle
    Good luck with your first fast! Another thing that helps me is to drink sparkling water (0 cal) and add some lemon juice to it. You can get some flavoured types and it's actually pretty good. The bubbles fill you up!! makes it less difficult =) Also make sure you drink plenty of plain water though!
  • SkierElle
    Oh btw, the other thread is already soo long, it would be fine to have another with some people who are just starting!
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Okay.....So, let's go with a new thread.....

    What are some helpful hints that people can share about the fasting days? What do you drink during those days?

    Also, when do you do your weight training days? I've read that I should do them at the end of the fasting days....I'm thinking about the mornings after I fast (I try to always work-out in the mornings)......
  • SkierElle
    My top hints/advice would be:
    2. TEA is your friend too
    3. Sparkling water +lemon fills you up
    4. If you feel like you can't do it, don't give in. wait an hour and see if you feel the same way. more times than not, that feeling WILL pass!
    5. Working out is really tough at the beginning (fasted) but it gets easier! So keep going!
    6. Keep yourself busy and your fasting day can be really productive.
    7. Don't have diet pop or anything with artificial sugar (my personal opinion it makes it harder)
    8. If you're just starting, you can go just 18 hours and lengthen it by an hour each time.
    9. Make sure you have at least 2 full days between fasts.
    10. Remember that this is just another way of creating a deficit and you still shouldn't try to lose more than 2 lbs per week. I have, once I lost 3 in a week. but that normally doesn't happen.
    11. Warning: after doing this a few times you will think that it is silly that anyone would want to eat every 3 hours. Crazy! so much more satisfying to wait a little longer than that. I don't even want snacks anymore!!! =)
  • SkierElle
    Oh I forgot. Tip #12. Plan your meals after the fast, at least for the first couple weeks, so you won't be tempted to eat too much. Now I am very satisfied with a pretty small breakfast after the fast is over and it makes me full, but it takes a few times to get used to that. I tend to go breakfast-breakfast since I normally eat less at breakfast than I do at dinnertime. And do the workout right when you get up before you have breakfast. Tomorrow morning i have Cardio abs and Cardio power and resistance. I was supposed to do Abs today, but since it will be better timing tomorrow morning I moved it (plus I just did a ton of sit ups yesterday!)
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Thanks Elle!

    I am 14 hours into the fast, and going to start my work-out.....I don't feel hungry (yet), but then again, I never am in the morning.

    I'm really wondering if it is something metabolic that will cause this to help me lose weight, or if it is the simple deficit because of two days of not eating? Hmmmmm? Or maybe both?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    The Eat Stop Eat program is similar to the Intermittent Fasting that I do with the Primal Blue Print plan.
  • SkierElle
    Sporty98, I think it's some of both. I know the resistance training at the end of it is supposed to help you lose fat while keeping muscle. I'd read up on it a bit more (I need to as well) because I can't say exactly how it works!

    Grokette, I'd like to check that out as I'm trying to do a combination. I won't give up milk but trying to slowly give up grains...

    Off to do my resistance training now... whoohoo! Feeling awesome this morning - so much energy after my fast!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Sporty98, I think it's some of both. I know the resistance training at the end of it is supposed to help you lose fat while keeping muscle. I'd read up on it a bit more (I need to as well) because I can't say exactly how it works!

    Grokette, I'd like to check that out as I'm trying to do a combination. I won't give up milk but trying to slowly give up grains...

    Off to do my resistance training now... whoohoo! Feeling awesome this morning - so much energy after my fast!!

    I have given up store bought milk. I get raw milk straight from a local dairy farm and it is soo much better than the Homogenized and Pasteurized crap they sell us in the store.

    There is hardly anything that I even purchase in the store any longer except for things like toilet paper, paper towels and a few other items.

    Check out this link, maybe you can find local raw dairy..............Just click on your state.
  • LoozingIt
    LoozingIt Posts: 3 Member
    I'm curious how this works at dinner time when the rest of the family is eating (the dinner that I would make them). Do you sit at the table with a cup of tea? If my husband wasn't home, it wouldn't be a big deal to not eat while the kids are eating but when he is, it seems like it would be a little odd.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm curious how this works at dinner time when the rest of the family is eating (the dinner that I would make them). Do you sit at the table with a cup of tea? If my husband wasn't home, it wouldn't be a big deal to not eat while the kids are eating but when he is, it seems like it would be a little odd.

    This is how I usually partake in Intermittent Fasting...............

    I usually only eat Supper and it is always Meat and veggies. I will have some fruit for dessert if I feel like snacking on something a little later in the evening. I usually eat around 7:00 pm at night and then if I have a snack before bedtime, it is usually around 10 or 10:30 am.

    The longest I have went with the fasting is 36 hours. I would like to work my way up to 72 hours of fasting.

    So I am usually 21 - 24 hours of fasting in between my meals.

    I like the freedom and it has helped me start to break my need to have food and mindless eating.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm curious how this works at dinner time when the rest of the family is eating (the dinner that I would make them). Do you sit at the table with a cup of tea? If my husband wasn't home, it wouldn't be a big deal to not eat while the kids are eating but when he is, it seems like it would be a little odd.

    My husband travels for I have "scheduled" my fasts for days that he is out of town. Also, two of our children are away at college, so I have only my youngest at home with me during the week. The meal time won't be an issue for me. BUT, in the past, when I've done fasting or super-low-calorie-dieting, I have fixed a meal, and had everyone else sit down to eat. Then, I would read a book aloud to the family. I know it sounds like an "old fashioned" sort of thing to do, but everyone loved it! My kids loved that I would do different voices for the characters....and my husband loved the calming effect it had on our whole family.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm curious how this works at dinner time when the rest of the family is eating (the dinner that I would make them). Do you sit at the table with a cup of tea? If my husband wasn't home, it wouldn't be a big deal to not eat while the kids are eating but when he is, it seems like it would be a little odd.

    My husband travels for I have "scheduled" my fasts for days that he is out of town. Also, two of our children are away at college, so I have only my youngest at home with me during the week. The meal time won't be an issue for me. BUT, in the past, when I've done fasting or super-low-calorie-dieting, I have fixed a meal, and had everyone else sit down to eat. Then, I would read a book aloud to the family. I know it sounds like an "old fashioned" sort of thing to do, but everyone loved it! My kids loved that I would do different voices for the characters....and my husband loved the calming effect it had on our whole family.

    Oh wow, that is awesome!!! I just make my fasting for the hours when I am away from my house and then eat supper with my husband.
  • SkierElle
    Haha that is awesome about reading a book to the family! You could also fast from dinner to dinner, if you're worried about having a meal with your family.

    Grokette, I've looked up raw milk by me and they were selling shares that turned out to be $12 per gallon. Since I can't afford that right now I get stuff from the milkman, I've been to the dairy it's from and know a few people that work there. However, I've just completed a dairy class and after doing some research I don't really want to eat raw milk unless I am the one raising and milking the cows it comes from. Also after working at a dairy - I would NEVER drink raw milk from that place.

    I dont know if I could go for 72 hours - but after almost 24 hours now I'm really not that hungry, so possibly. Maybe sometime I'll try for 36 - the longest I've gone is about 30.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I have done longer juice fasts, with freshly squeezed/juiced veggie juices. I once did a 72 hour juice fast with a friend.....On our third day we took our dogs for an 8 mile walk.....NOT our best idea! We both were a bit low on power!

    I love the concept of fasting. The mind-over-matter, and consciousness of it all. I'm going to spend some time today researching the mechanics of fasting online.....I'll post anything interesting that I find. Thanks for all of your help ladies!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Haha that is awesome about reading a book to the family! You could also fast from dinner to dinner, if you're worried about having a meal with your family.

    Grokette, I've looked up raw milk by me and they were selling shares that turned out to be $12 per gallon. Since I can't afford that right now I get stuff from the milkman, I've been to the dairy it's from and know a few people that work there. However, I've just completed a dairy class and after doing some research I don't really want to eat raw milk unless I am the one raising and milking the cows it comes from. Also after working at a dairy - I would NEVER drink raw milk from that place.

    I dont know if I could go for 72 hours - but after almost 24 hours now I'm really not that hungry, so possibly. Maybe sometime I'll try for 36 - the longest I've gone is about 30.

    Well the milk that I buy never makes it to the dairy, it is straight from the farm.

    The stuff that they do to the milk once it leaves the farm is a shame. I am not a big dairy person, just consume some things sometimes. I am able to get a gallon of milk for about $8.00 and a half gallon for $5.00.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have done longer juice fasts, with freshly squeezed/juiced veggie juices. I once did a 72 hour juice fast with a friend.....On our third day we took our dogs for an 8 mile walk.....NOT our best idea! We both were a bit low on power!

    I love the concept of fasting. The mind-over-matter, and consciousness of it all. I'm going to spend some time today researching the mechanics of fasting online.....I'll post anything interesting that I find. Thanks for all of your help ladies!

    The longer fasts are much easier since I have started eating more like the Inuit Tribal people which is a very high fat, high protein diet. This is also the Paleo approach. I feel satisfied and never hungry eating this way. I drink adequate water and have high energy.
  • SkierElle
    Yeah, 24 hours is nothing. Maybe next week I'll try a 36 hour fast.Think of how long our ancestors way back went without food. I think the notion that we are supposed to eat every 3-4 hours is absolutely insane!

    The milk that I get is bottled right on the dairy farm, and they are working on getting their organic certification. One of my dreams is to have raw milk from my own cow. I am a HUGE dairy person. Milk just makes me feel so good - along with meat. And I agree about being satisfied on tons of protein. When I eat grains I always feel hungry - minus oatmeal, which is the only one that actually keeps me full.