Difficulty Maintaing/Losing again

I lost 70 lbs 2 years ago and kept most of it off for a good year. But after a difficult separation and some life challenges I've gain about 20-25 lbs and it's driving me crazy. I want to fit in my old clothes again and I had a tummy tuck done 10 months ago and I really want to see the real results after working so hard to get there. I was 120 lbs and my lowest and now I'm back up to 145 lbs I'm only 5'1 so my ideal weight is about 125. I am vegan and gluten free and eat really healthy my problem is portions and eating too much when I'm bored at work. I'm a secretary so I don't get to move around too much. I do work out on my lunch pretty much 5 days a week. I usually run for a half hour or so. I feel like I need to change something up in my diet or work out routine to kick start weight loss again. If anyone has any tips or words of encouragement I appreciate the support.



  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    It sounds like you have fallen back into some old habits. Remember that these are not monumental obstacles, just bad habits to be broken. Just pick one thing, like eating between meals at your desk, and work to change it. Break it down into parts and you can find your way back. If you quit logging food, start doing that again. And log in everyday to stay connected with your goals. Good luck!
  • MitchmDee
    MitchmDee Posts: 93 Member
    I was in a similar situation (less the separation). I lost 60lbs and felt great, but after a few sports injuries it all started coming back on.

    As of June 2014, I had put back on 40 of the 60lbs I lost. It was hard and some what humiliating. One day I just had enough; I joined this site and I've been busting my but ever since.

    It just takes a little time, a little getting used to, but you've done it before so you can do it again. I cannot stress that last part enough. You keep at it, keep yourself honest and in check and you can achieve those goals.