Any truck drivers out there

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a 31 year old female truck driver and I am wondering if there are ony others on here that could help with suggestions about how to eat on the road and how to fit in a workout on the road and what kind of workouts you do stuck in a truck 24 hours a day.

I have some healthy snacks in the truck but I am not sure what good snacks for the road are.
ANyhelp would be appreciated, I could use all the help I can get so I don't turn into the typical 200 + pound truckl driver that everyone pictures, I want to be the exception the that image:drinker:


  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member

    I, myself, am not a trucker - but my husband is (only in the summer time).

    Here's what he does: bring his own meals - he has a plug-in cooler to keep everything fresh. On the weekends, I boil some chicken and I mix it up with fat free mayo and pepper - put this in a container. He can then take his whole wheat wraps and just make a quick sandwich with spinach in them. He brings a large bag of natural trail mix (costco) and also brings fruits and carrots/celery to munch on while driving. He also buys some natura granola bars. instead of drinking pop, he'll drink vitamin water, only one coffee a day. If he eats at a stop (which is very rare), he'll order something like salmon with salad. This also helps with not feeling tired on the road.

    For exercising, he laces up his shoes and goes for a 30 minute walk/job a day. He does this right before he take his shower - so the time varies. He says that most truckers look at him funny when he does this - but he does it anyone cause it keeps the weight off and makes him feel alert and healthier.

    Hope this helps!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Thanks for the ideas I had beeen doing a lot of Tuna on the road and trying to make healthy choices. Maybe when i get my own truck I will be able to have better options
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Hey! Yes ma'am, I'm a trucker also! Luckily though, I am home everyday now, but I have done most of my exercising on the road. I started here with a extremely large hernia and all I was aloud to do was walk and ride a bike. Everytime I delivered, while being unloaded I would walk, and walk and walk! When I went to a truckstop, I parked as far away from the building as I could. I still do! I then bought a Zune player and downloaded the Leslie Sansone 1 mile walk to it, and could easily do it in my sleeper. As for food, stay away from eating out as much as you can. I thought Subway was safe, NOT, the sodium in them sanwiches unless you order veggie is unreal! Stop at Walmart and buy you healthy food to keep in the truck. If you must eat at a truckstop, be careful on what you order. You will learn from this site what is good to order and what isn't. I am proof you can be a trucker and still loose weight. Would love to be your friend on here and help you out all I can. I have been on Steve Sommers show on 700wlw several times promoting MFP to the truckers out there. He has been a big support for me. Good luck dear! I'm here if you need me!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Melanie1967 could you give me some ideas of what kind of food you use to take in the truck with you, I am always looking for ideas. Once I get off my trainers truck and get in my own I am hoping that not having my trainers bad influence and will be able to control ALL the food that comes in the truck
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