Getting back on the wagon

Hi All

I haven't been around these parts for a long time, but after recently feeling so low about my weight and general well being, I'm back, and determined to do something about it.

So this is really a re-introduction; I'm 5ft 2in, 26yrs and currently weigh 148lbs, I am the heaviest I have ever been, I'm not in good shape fitness wise, and over the past few months have really felt my weight/unhealthy lifestyle beginning to affect my self esteem, affect my joints, and I'm constantly tired and lethargic. I live a sedentary life, working in an office that is too far away from my home to walk to. I have a goal of losing 20lbs, in an idealistic world I would have lost this by the end of the year, but I realise that this may be out of reach.

I am visiting a gym with my friend this evening to see what its like, with every hope and intention of joining. I am trying to deal with my own stupid issues that I need to be skinny before I can go to a gym where people with look at me and judge me (I am completely aware at how ridiculous this sounds).

I'm hoping to make some friends here, and to give and much support to others on their fitness / weightloss journey, in the hope that it will be returned :)


  • LoobyGongzhu
    LoobyGongzhu Posts: 8 Member
    The gym thing isn't stupid it's actually really important to find a place where you can work on being the you that you want to be. Without feeling uncomfortable, or judged or inferior. Even if those feelings are coming from you they are still real.

    I'm sure your friend will help make it better - even if it's just joining you in an eye roll or knowing you are both giggling at the same thing

  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    I will send you a friend request. I still have a long way to go weight loss wise, because I eat too much lol but getting into regular gym attendence has been one of the best things to happen for me in a very long time and not just for being fitter. I feel more confident, my anxiety levels are down and I see and feel real results from what I'm doing.

    You can do this, and remember you don't just have to run away on a treadmill forever, I'd really reccomend looking at some lifting routines you can see real progress pretty quickly if you struggle to stay motivated.
  • Pea1804
    Pea1804 Posts: 9
    Thanks guys! The trip to the gym was a success, I was pleasantly surprised to see all sorts of people at differently levels if fitness and ages there; certainly helped me realise that most people are interested in what they're doing, not what I'm doing :)