How do i stop binge eating



  • Terraforcejenny
    Terraforcejenny Posts: 47 Member
    I second (third? Fourth?) seeking out some professional help/advice. Besides that, is there a support group in your area? Maybe a weight loss or diet group? When I say diet, I of course mean people trying to eat healthy, not just restrict diet. In addition, there's a distinct possibility that this is a symptom of your depression/anxiety as well; comfort eating is very real! If you can find someone to help you with your other issues, there is a chance this may be more easy to conquer.

    On a softer note, please try to find people on this site struggling with this and add them as friends, if you feel comfortable with that. The idea of being alone in these sorts of struggles can lead to feelings of despair and "I'm alone in this", which makes it easier to succumb to depression. Having positive or realistic people going through the same experiences (preferably people who comment encourageingly to you) might help.

    I see you haven't commented back yet; are any of the suggestions here things you are interested in pursuing? I hope you find something here that helps you! Please don't lose hope :)
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    It sounds really negative, but I've stopped myself (so far) from gorging by mentally saying any time I want extra "You're too fat to eat that". Then I try to fill up on water.

    REALLY bad advice, as someone who used to have anorexia and bulimia that for reasons (I'm not getting into it) turn into binge eating NEVER berate yourself by saying "you're too fat" and just fill up on water. Especially when this girl said she has disordered eating. What you suggested is a straight line to hating yourself.