weight training wears me out!



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I wouldn't judge my diary too harshly, days I only log 500 call I eat more than that, it's just that my boyfriend or mom or someone else made the food and I had no idea what portions they used or how to properly log it. I don't always make my own food and sometimes we eat at a relatives place which logging call intake is kind of a random guessing game. I do drink protein shakes after my work outs. Also I eat roughly twice daily sometimes three times the third being a snack.

    I'll try to log better but I've just been doing that. I heard to lose fat you need to lift heavy so that is what I have been doing, just thought it was my body trying to adjust. As for carbs, most of every research I've done said stay low carb, only use some from fruits and veggies but eat more protein (1 get per lb of lean muscle). Perhaps I'm wrong in what I've read? My body is kind of weird so I need to figure out what I need to do. I'm not a stranger to weights just strange to use them in a way I gain lean muscle and lose fat. :p

    To lose weight you have to eat at a calorie deficit. To lose mostly fat you have to eat at an appropriate deficit while doing strength training and eating enough protein. You don't need to do low carb. Carbs give you energy and they help in recovery. If you're feeling exhasted then eating carbs is a good idea. Start logging as accurate as you can. If you don't you'll end up spinning your wheels.
  • jrhanna84
    jrhanna84 Posts: 66 Member
    I just started maybe about a week and a half ago, I just wondered if this was normal or maybe I went to hard

    I've been with a trainer for almost a year and I still ache after every workout!

    Me too. I hurt for 2-3 days after leg day but hardly anything after upper body. Make sure to properly fuel your body, MORE PROTEIN! Be sure to get a protein shaker, learned that lesson the hard way. My trainer has me ( I'm 5'4" and 187# right now) shooting for 120 grams of protein a day.