Anyone tried/using diet pills?



  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Here are my stats:
    20 years old, female
    Starting weight 149 lbs
    Current weight 139 lbs
    Goal weight 130 lbs
    Height 5'6''
    Calories/Day 1,200-1,500

    I have lost 10 lbs in 2 months and am halfway to my goal. I seem to be doing fine but have considered using diet pills to add some extra umph to my weight loss. I'm not really overweight, so I find that it can sometimes be a struggle to eat at that big of a deficit, even though I do well most days. My mom works in a pharmacy and said that there are a lot of bad side effects to these pills, including addiction, and I should steer clear of them.

    Thoughts, opinions, experiences?
    There is a saying "mother always knows best." In this case, you would do well to follow that.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    ALWAYS listen to your mother! LOL

    Seriously, she's right. Save your health and your money. In fact, put the money you would have spent on diet pills in a special savings account and treat yourself with it when you hit your goal weight. Much better use of the money!
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I use Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite. I have tried many many "diet pills" and like this one a lot. It can also be bought in powder form. I basically use diet pills because they give me the energy to work all day, stay awake and focused during my hour drive home in bumper to bumper traffic, and go to the gym at night. I have always been caffeine dependent so using diet pills has helped keep me away from coffee and sodas (aka empty calories). These pills work very well as an appetite suppressant and have also helped subside some of my cravings for sugary things.

    Although diet pills have worked well for me, I'm sure there are side effects for some people such as jitters, headaches, etc. which I have not endured due to my high tolerance for caffeine.

    If you are not looking for added energy throughout the entire day, you may want to check into "Pre-workouts"; powdered drink mixes which can be bought at health food stores. These are specially formulated to give you a ton of energy right before your workout and if you workout hard enough, it will ware off without much of a come down.

    Long story short this girl is saying take caffeine it amps you up!!!

    Diet pills = bad, like another said if they did work don't you think everyone would be skinny?

    Pre workouts are fun, but people become dependent on them and then can't work out without the caffeine kick so if your not using them then don't.

    If you have a ton of money to waste then just donate it to charity cause your not getting anything from these products might as well as help someone in need.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    Please watch the movie "Requiem for a Dream" and then tell us if you still want to try diet pills
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    If pills worked, our society wouldn't be obese. Pills don't work simply put.

    edit: the ones that did work, had to be pulled from the market as a side effect was death, lol. Also, with very little to lose, I would recommend a smaller deficit and a good weight training program if you haven't started. You will see much more body improvements that way. 1200 calories is a bit low for an active young person.

    ^This... I think that stuff is mostly a placebo thing. Your hard work is what got you the fat loss not the pill. you want to lose fat and not just weight anyway. you can take pills and lose water weight but that shouldn't be what you're after.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    If pills worked, our society wouldn't be obese. Pills don't work simply put.

    edit: the ones that did work, had to be pulled from the market as a side effect was death, lol. Also, with very little to lose, I would recommend a smaller deficit and a good weight training program if you haven't started. You will see much more body improvements that way. 1200 calories is a bit low for an active young person.

    Very wise words.

    You're young, you're impatient. I get it. But you're halfway to goal after 2 months and you can't wait another 2-4 months to get where you want to be?
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I would listen to your mother in this case.
  • summer92008
    Thanks, everyone. I understand that I sound (and probably am) inpatient. My main problem is that I'm 10 lbs. down and can't tell a whole lot of difference, especially in my midsection. Blah. It makes me wanna go binge lol.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Fat loss is genetic and you can't spot reduce. What you CAN do is take weight loss at a sustainable, slow pace and find some form of resistance training to retain lean mass. That'll give you the best possible opportunity. This is a game of patience. This is a life long pursuit. Don't put a time limit on your progress and take it a day at a time. Be proud of what you've accomplished and keep pushing forward!
  • tjbrinson
    Since i'm trying to shed more body fat, my caloric intake is less than my expenditure. To ensure that i get all my vitamins and nutrients, i also take supplements. Diet pills don't work for me.