How many calories do you burn during Insanity?

SkierElle Posts: 335
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm on week 4 of Insanity and have been estimating my burn for each of the dvd's around 400 although I feel it may be more. Some info: I'm 178 lbs, 6'0", and my HR usually is at least 165 right after an interval is done. I can't afford to buy a HRM right now and just want to make sure I'm estimating correctly. Maybe if I had some people to compare with I'd be able to make a better estimate! I know some of my MFP friends report up to 600-700 burned and then someone was reporting 300 (during the 40 minute DVDs for month 1)

Thanks in advance!


  • Yeah it is hard to figure out because everyone's bodies are so different!! Have you found that you burn more after you've done the workouts for awhile? Since you can do more reps over time? The only time I need to take a break is during the push up drills, but I usually dont stop all together (unless I feel like I'm dying), I will just keep doing push ups till I have enough energy to hop up again!
  • Yellowstone1983
    Yellowstone1983 Posts: 131 Member
    I may be the person throwing you off by logging 300 calories. I'm sure I burn a lot more than that, but I can guarentee I don't burn any less in 35 minutes and since I can't afford a calorie counter or HRM right now, I just prefer to know I am underestimating and then hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised with better results :) But I am curious what other people are burning with insanity.. I'm half way through week 2
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    well you've seen some of the cals i've burned doing insanity....i do have a HRM but i'm also 5'3" and weigh 163ish.....i usually burn 450-500 and i haven't started any of the max workouts yet, i start week 3 tomorrow!

    since i try to burn around 650 cals a day, i usually end up doing some jump rope, but i'm thinking i might just add the cardio abs workout to each which i've burned about 150-170cals the two times i've done it already.
  • The only way you'll know for sure is to wear a HR monitor. I wouldn't try and sit there and guess.
  • walmart has a fitness watch that calaulate calories burned like an hrm its only 27.99 or at least thats what is costs at me local walmart :o) maybe that will be an afordable option for you i love mine thanks to taramaria from this site for directing me to them !!
  • True, I should just get an HRM... probably worth the investment!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Buying an HRM or bodybugg would definitely be the way to go.

    I am 5'5" and weigh 139...and doing Insanity workouts, I push myself so hard that after the warm-up, my heart rate stays constant between 185 and 192. I average 650 calories burned per workout. I even burned 400 or so doing the Fit Test because I was pushing as hard as I could to get all the reps done that I could muster. I thought my lungs would burst at the end, but that's how I lost those 4 pounds...just 3 weeks of Insanity.
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