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Hi All,

I've been dealing with depression for quite a long time now, and my therapist thinks that I should start considering adding a medication into the mix to see if that may help. I've taken Lexapro before, and gained a lot of weight and didn't benefit much from it at all.

My weight has always been somewhat of a factor in my depression - I gained about 60lbs over four years because of it. I don't necessarily want an anti-depressant that will make me lose weight (I don't believe in miracle pills), but I am hoping to find one that at the very least won't make me gain. So far, my basic research leads me to believe that Wellbutrin might be a good option for me.

Does anyone have any experience with how antidepressants have impacted their weight loss goals?


  • riotatme23
    riotatme23 Posts: 56 Member
    Check out my profile.

    You need to focus first on your mental health. You can always lose weight later, but your mental health is paramount.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    My daughter is on Wellbutrin and it has helped her immensely - she takes that in addition to Zoloft.

    She has mentioned that the Wellbutrin has made her lose her appetite - which I've read is a common side effect.

    Talk to your doctor - see what he/she says.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    I totally get that, and I'm working on it. I'm in therapy and I have all of the necessary support. However, part of depression for me includes mindless, often emotional eating. My weight loss goals aren't aggressive or unrealistic and I think having a healthy body will make it easier to have a healthy mind.

    What I'm really looking for are some examples of people who have taken antidepressants and how those medications impacted their goals.
  • mallorytravels
    mallorytravels Posts: 86 Member
    Wellbutrin is where its at if you want increased energy and decreased appetite. When I was on a high dose I barely needed food or sleep. All my social inhibitions were dramatically reduced and well... let's just say I loved to chase the boys! haha.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Research online..Google all articles on side effects from anti-depressants from respected websites.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm bipolar 2 (leaning depressive rather than manic) and am on a cocktail of meds. Prozac and wellbutrin both seem to be at least weight gain neutral for me. My mother took prozac and lost weight, however she was also doing Weight Watchers and exercising so it's not clear what role it played. It may have just been that it gave her enough of a pick-me-up that she was able to get out there and exercise.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    Wellbutrin is where its at if you want increased energy and decreased appetite. When I was on a high dose I barely needed food or sleep. All my social inhibitions were dramatically reduced and well... let's just say I loved to chase the boys! haha.

    That's fantastic! Did you find that it kept you from sleeping at all or did you just feel energized and refreshed? Low energy is one of my biggest struggles these days.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Been on Lexapro for 3 years, didn't impact my weight and was extremely helpful in my case.
  • NotJustADieter
    NotJustADieter Posts: 229 Member
    I'm on three different meds that "should" be making me gain weight- an antidepressant (SNRI), a benzo and birth control.

    I've lost nearly 30lbs in 3 months.

    Your mental health needs to come first. Speaking as someone with a serious mental health condition (CPTSD) it is SO MUCH EASIER to lose weight when I care about myself. I want to take care of myself, I have the energy to put into picking good foods and exercising. Before the meds, I ate whatever was at hand and stayed in bed all day.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Wellbutrin is where its at if you want increased energy and decreased appetite. When I was on a high dose I barely needed food or sleep. All my social inhibitions were dramatically reduced and well... let's just say I loved to chase the boys! haha.

    Hmmm... Mallory, is there any chance you might have been hypomanic at all? I have that reaction to some meds. Boosts me up to a little too happy, if you know what I mean. :^)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm not a doctor. Listen to them.

    But also listen to me... Paxil and Effexor are pretty much the devil's nectar. So hard to get OFF of. Be very careful and very well informed with whatever you decide to do. And good luck! Depression is horrific.
  • Italianma7
    Italianma7 Posts: 83 Member
    .Wellbutrin does have a side effect to decrease appetite. It also increases anxiety at least for me. All those medications are all trial and error. Not everyone has the same effects. It takes 4-6 weeks before you will notice difference. most side effects subside. Talk to your doctor and see what works best for you. Also FYI exercising releases the same chemicals in your brain as the pills do Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    I'm on three different meds that "should" be making me gain weight- an antidepressant (SNRI), a benzo and birth control.

    I've lost nearly 30lbs in 3 months.

    Your mental health needs to come first. Speaking as someone with a serious mental health condition (CPTSD) it is SO MUCH EASIER to lose weight when I care about myself. I want to take care of myself, I have the energy to put into picking good foods and exercising. Before the meds, I ate whatever was at hand and stayed in bed all day.

    Thanks so much for the encouragement. I think I have a pretty solid plan for managing my mental health at this point, and that will always come before weight loss for me. I think a lot of my weight loss issues are rooted in mental issues, so the two are definitely linked in my case.

    I feel you on the staying in bed and eating all day. When I'm at my worst, that's about all I can manage.
  • twasadark
    twasadark Posts: 6 Member
    I've been on Effexor XR for years - no weight gain from that. I'm also on Fetzima which hasn't made me gain weight. I tried Wellbutrin before, Lexapro, and others like Zoloft but they just didn't work for me. It's more important that you find a med that works for you rather than picking one based on the potential to gain weight, in my humble opinion.

    This study touts the benefits of the active ingredient in turmeric (no side effects), saying it's as effective as Prozac. I've added it to the mix lately. :-) http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/07/31/study-finds-turmeric-is-effective-as-prozac-for-treating-depression/

    Also, exercise, exercise, exercise.

    I've had lots of therapy and while it helped, I've always had to do a bunch of things to be able to function.

    Best of luck. Message me anytime.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    I'm not a doctor. Listen to them.

    But also listen to me... Paxil and Effexor are pretty much the devil's nectar. So hard to get OFF of. Be very careful and very well informed with whatever you decide to do. And good luck! Depression is horrific.

    Good to know. I had some trouble coming off of the Lexapro a few years ago too. This is all definitely going to be discussed with my doctor!
  • ladybird89
    ladybird89 Posts: 28 Member
    Wow, good timing. I'm in EXACTLY the same boat as you, except my issue is anxiety as well as depression. I understand how frustrating it can be...the idea that the only "cure" out there might cause you to gain weight is disheartening. Like you, a lot of my symptoms revolve around body image issues. I decided to try Wellbutrin because it was the only medicine that is weight neutral, but after 2 weeks my depression was worse than ever. I'm going to see my doctor next week to discuss other options. Even though I had a bad experience, I'd still recommend giving Wellbutrin a shot. A friend of mine lost a ton of weight while on that medication, and it also seems to have helped with her depression and body image issues, so I guess everyone reacts differently. Note: Wellbutrin increases dopamine while other antidepressants target serotonin. For some, increased dopamine can make anxiety worse.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    Wow, good timing. I'm in EXACTLY the same boat as you, except my issue is anxiety as well as depression. I understand how frustrating it can be...the idea that the only "cure" out there might cause you to gain weight is disheartening. Like you, a lot of my symptoms revolve around body image issues. I decided to try Wellbutrin because it was the only medicine that is weight neutral, but after 2 weeks my depression was worse than ever. I'm going to see my doctor next week to discuss other options. Even though I had a bad experience, I'd still recommend giving Wellbutrin a shot. A friend of mine lost a ton of weight while on that medication, and it also seems to have helped with her depression and body image issues, so I guess everyone reacts differently. Note: Wellbutrin increases dopamine while other antidepressants target serotonin. For some, increased dopamine can make anxiety worse.

    Sorry the meds aren't working out for you. That was my reaction to Lexapro when I tried it. It really is a lot of trial and error. I was thinking that maybe Wellbutrin might be worth a shot for me since I already struck out with one of the SSRIs.

    Hope you start feeling better soon!
  • redromad275
    redromad275 Posts: 884 Member
    I take Pristique and have no issues with weight gain. My wife on the other hand, took another type (forgotten) and she had weight loss issues. Now that she no longer takes it, her weight loss has improved. I am so very proud of her.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I'm on wellbutrin and I have no reason to attribute any weight gain because of it. I haven't been on any other antidepressants prior so I can't compare, but I've had no issues with my weight or feeling hungry because of it. Hopefully its something that will work out for you!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,838 Member
    I would concentrate first on finding the drug or mix of drugs that work for your depression. For me it's the generic for Prozac (fluoxetine) and generic Welbutrin (bupropion). I add a Syrcadian Blue SADD light from about August through February. I've been treated for depression for decades. I never noticed any particular effect on weight except that when the depression is bad, I tend to self-medicate with excess food. Like many in my father's side of the family, I tried self-medicating with alcohol. That doesn't work and has the worst long-term bad side effects of all. Exercise like walking, vitamin D, and eating a healthy, well-balanced diet do help.

    Clinical depression sucks but you can certainly live with it and have a good life. My life-long friends call me the happiest depressed person they've ever known. Seek things that make you happy like the beauty of art and music, kitten videos, flowers, etc. They won't cure your depression but they help strengthen you to fight its symptoms. Give yourself time to escape from yourself with some escapist fiction. It's hard to pay any attention to depressive thoughts when you are worrying about whether the heroine will escape and find the real killers! Do some small thing good for the world so you feel useful. I volunteer at the local food bank.

    Do seek counseling periodically to learn new things about how you, yourself, think and how to work on getting yourself out of self-defeating patterns. Keep an eye on what works and what doesn't long haul. And don't beat yourself up. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and, as the song says, start all over again. Life is good.
