Weekly Calories VS Daily Calories

Hello all!

I'm beginning to food prep and was wondering about something : Is it better to make each meal same calories (which will be hard if I cook in bulk) for the day or would it be better that I account everything that I cooked and compare it to my weekly calories?

Reason why I ask this is because for example, cooking 1 raw chicken breast and eating it is one thing but cooking 5-7 breast and trying to make sure you had 8oz of calories as it was in raw form per meal is hard. Does that make sense? So what I was thinking was counting the calories before cooking it (rice, veggies, meat) and just hitting weekly calories instead of daily.

Any thoughts?


  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Since it is the average that really matters over time, getting each day close to the same should be just fine.
    Face it, it is not like you burn exactly the same number of cals each day, so having you intake fluctuate a bit shouldn't matter.
    The other part is, you are trying to live a life, not a science experiment.
  • super_pj
    super_pj Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah that's what I was thinking and yes true that I dont burn the same amount of cals each day but I doubt it would differ by the 100s if my routine everyday is the same (wake up, get ready, go to work, go home, rinse & repeat).

    Also, the meal preps are my lunches during work.
  • Snugglebunny217
    One of the things I do, let's say I make a big casserole, is I find out how many calories is in the whole thing and then figure out how many "servings" it is for me. So let's say, it makes me 5 meals, and the casserole was 2000 calories total. I put down 400 calories for each time I eat it, and try not to worry too much if on Tuesday I got an extra large piece of chicken in it or on Wednesday I put some of it back because I got full early.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Something as simple as going food shopping and prepping all those lunches is likely burning more cals then what you normally do the other days of the week.
    For me, 180 cals for an hour of prepping and cooking, 30 min of walking at 2mph to do my shopping is 100 cals.