Almost Fainted


First of all: sorry if I'm posting under the wrong topic or are violating any rules--I've only been on MFP for about 2 weeks! :)

So, I know this may be hard to believe, but I've been SO busy working on a project for next semester that I haven't even had the time or attention to spare for hunger--I literally am never hungry. Ever (or maybe I just don't notice or unconsciously ignore it in favor of other things I have yet to do). I eat a lot of fruits and veggies etc., and then chicken or fish for dinner with cabbage soup or more veggies, and almonds, jell-O and milk for snacks, etc., so I just have so many low-dense calorie foods that I've only gotten to my net calorie goal ONCE (1000 cal, I haven't been able reached 1200, but I take multi-vitamins) in the past two weeks (I've lost about 6 kg/13 lb so far and I am 5 ft 8 in and currently weigh 91 kg with a body fat percentage of approx. 27%, a BP of 109/74, and a heart rate of 88).

I realized I wasn't eating enough calorie-dense foods to meet my goal and started to feel lightheaded and fatigued and got cramps and random muscle spasm everywhere (I was also doing about an hour of cardio a day 5 of 7 days a week, so I lowered the intensity this week, and tried sleeping more and drinking more water), so I started eating things like ricotta cheese, traditional greek yogurt (instead of diet), lactose-free low-fat milk (instead of the usual almond milk), turkey bacon, and more nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and pistachios, and the occasional whole-wheat complex carb about once or twice a week. This still didn't make me reach my goal, but I got a lot better, but now I've been really stressed out my intake has gone down again (not as low, though--this is weird, because I don't understand how this is a problem for me when I used to overeat). I don't drink a lot of water, maybe about 6-8 (measuring) cups a day (sometimes 4 if it's a bad day), and I am currently menstruating, so there's really no signs of malnutrition that I see except that for the last two days I started feeling more tired (this happened the first few days I started, too, but I felt even better than normal when I started eating more). This morning I stood up from a lying down position on the couch to turn on the ceiling fan, and by the time I was halfway back (I went all the way there and came back without turning the switch--I forgot...), I felt very dizzy/lightheaded and my head hurt, I felt weak, and I couldn't see (it was kinda like i was looking at a detuned old TV), and I found myself on the floor in all fours with my heart beating rapidly--but I didn't remember falling down AT ALL. This has never happened to me before, so I don't know what to do. What happened? Was it low blood sugar? After I recovered I stood up slowly and immediately went to get an apple in case it was that. Do I have low or high blood pressure? What's wrong with me? I thought it was my eating habits, but I always feel so normal! And why did this happen if I'm eating the same amount of food as the last couple of days, in which I have felt pretty great?

TL;DR: My eating habits are better now--why do I feel a lot worse?


  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    Not enough calories....

    I'm 5 foot 8 " and started around 20 pounds less than you. I started with 1750-1800 calories per day and did good workout program 6 days per week (3 strength days, 1 yoga, 1 cardio, 1 HIIT) and lost 15 pounds in 3 months. Then I lowered down to 1650 calories (because of the 15 pound weight lose), and am continuing to lose more weight.

    You are not eating enough calories, for you height and weight. :( Why would you eat so low? When you lose a significant amount of weight you might have to lower your calories a little to get the scale going again. If you start so low, where you going to go after that?

    Do it the right way......

    Start around 1700 firm....keep it steady. Do some activity 3-5 days per week....anything.....get an at home program where you have a mixture of weights (or body weight exercises) and a little cardio.

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You're "eating better" but you still aren't eating enough. If you have an hour to workout you have an hour to go eat more. At your height and weight (which is similar to where I started) 1200 total calories eaten isn't enough especially if you are doing an hour of cardio. You said you aren't even hitting 1200 calories.

    Long story short? Eat more.
  • ButterflyEl
    ButterflyEl Posts: 29 Member
    You need to have a chat with your doctor.

    As you already know your intake is far too low and it is possible to become malnourished whilst overweight. Sudden unexplained appetite loss needs to be investigated by your doctor to rule out any other causes than stress especially since you fainted- this is another symptom you need to bring up with your doctor. Your doctor might also be able to advise you on a better eating regime to help you.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Calorie dense or not, you're not eating enough, period.

    ETA a lot of people who post about eating very low cals also mention that they do not feel hungry. So obviously you can't always trust your body in determining whether you're eating enough.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    That fainting is serious business. I ended up with a nice goose egg from the barbell that I hit at the gym and a trip to the ER for a CT scan. If I had fallen just a little differently I could have ended up with a busted up face, a bad concussion or even worse brain trauma.

    I simply hadn't eaten enough in the day or two prior and was extremely stressed from work. The rapid weight loss you may see at 1200 cals isn't worth all the unforeseen effects it can have on you. Figure out a more reasonable calorie goal and listen to your body.
  • maripili_i_n
    maripili_i_n Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice! You're all definitely right, and I hadn't thought of the 'having to lower intake as weight starts to come off slower' thing...

    I think I will probably start lower at first, get to 1100 today and 1200 calories tomorrow, until I get to about 1500 maybe by the end of the week so hopefully I won't gain since I got used to less calories.

    I'm the only person in my family who is overweight (73 kg is the higher end of normal for me, but I weigh 90), and my dad being a pediatrician, I was always embarrassed about it, but I probably should go ask him for advice.

    Thanks for your time! :)


  • ButterflyEl
    ButterflyEl Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice! You're all definitely right, and I hadn't thought of the 'having to lower intake as weight starts to come off slower' thing...

    I think I will probably start lower at first, get to 1100 today and 1200 calories tomorrow, until I get to about 1500 maybe by the end of the week so hopefully I won't gain since I got used to less calories.

    I'm the only person in my family who is overweight (73 kg is the higher end of normal for me, but I weigh 90), and my dad being a pediatrician, I was always embarrassed about it, but I probably should go ask him for advice.

    Thanks for your time! :)



    Can I just say how awesome it is you listened to people and took the advice on board! That's refreshing.

    How're you getting on now? I know it's only been like 4 days I guess I was just thinking of you. I can totally understand being nervous about speaking to your Dad. You could always see a different doctor. Please do bring up the fainting with someone though.

    Hope you're doing well :) xxx
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice! You're all definitely right, and I hadn't thought of the 'having to lower intake as weight starts to come off slower' thing...

    I think I will probably start lower at first, get to 1100 today and 1200 calories tomorrow, until I get to about 1500 maybe by the end of the week so hopefully I won't gain since I got used to less calories.

    I'm the only person in my family who is overweight (73 kg is the higher end of normal for me, but I weigh 90), and my dad being a pediatrician, I was always embarrassed about it, but I probably should go ask him for advice.

    Thanks for your time! :)



    Can I just say how awesome it is you listened to people and took the advice on board! That's refreshing.

    How're you getting on now? I know it's only been like 4 days I guess I was just thinking of you. I can totally understand being nervous about speaking to your Dad. You could always see a different doctor. Please do bring up the fainting with someone though.

    Hope you're doing well :) xxx

    Just had to say, I think it is really sweet that you remembered and thought of the OP on such a busy forum.
    Very heart warming. :flowerforyou:
  • ButterflyEl
    ButterflyEl Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice! You're all definitely right, and I hadn't thought of the 'having to lower intake as weight starts to come off slower' thing...

    I think I will probably start lower at first, get to 1100 today and 1200 calories tomorrow, until I get to about 1500 maybe by the end of the week so hopefully I won't gain since I got used to less calories.

    I'm the only person in my family who is overweight (73 kg is the higher end of normal for me, but I weigh 90), and my dad being a pediatrician, I was always embarrassed about it, but I probably should go ask him for advice.

    Thanks for your time! :)



    Can I just say how awesome it is you listened to people and took the advice on board! That's refreshing.

    How're you getting on now? I know it's only been like 4 days I guess I was just thinking of you. I can totally understand being nervous about speaking to your Dad. You could always see a different doctor. Please do bring up the fainting with someone though.

    Hope you're doing well :) xxx

    Just had to say, I think it is really sweet that you remembered and thought of the OP on such a busy forum.
    Very heart warming. :flowerforyou:

    Aww you just made my day bless you :heart: xxx
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    I would also like to know you you are doing a few days later.

    I struggled early on with eating enough food too.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    replace the lower calorie fruits and veggies with some protein and something more calorie dense - avocado or sweet potatoes or pasta. you don't want to get really dizzy and risk a car accident or something!
  • maripili_i_n
    maripili_i_n Posts: 4 Member
    Hehe. Thanks! How could I not? Advice from people who have been there, done that, lost the weight? Sign me up! XD javascript:add_smiley ('glasses','post_body')

    I feel a loooot better--I don't even get dizzy anymore when I stand up! I also have some recipes I want to use, like quinoa-rice sushi with avocado and everything and ricotta cheese instead of cream cheese, and stuffed veggie/ricotta portobello, etc... yum! I guess I just really needed to go grocery shopping again XD I also am getting "emergency almonds" for when I get hungry at school. c:

    That's so sweet! Thank-you!!!! <3 I feel really good, actually! XD

    I talked to my dad, and apart from the usual doctor stuff, he said a dietitian was a good option (I've been considering it, especially now that I've already lost about 8 kg/17 lb and don't ever want to gain it all back) to make sure I was getting everything I needed and going on the right track.

    I actually started to become a little obsessive-compulsive about the calorie counting and exercise, and I weighed myself every day--I realize now that this shouldn't be my life, but a change--so I'm going easy and just weighing in every couple of days to see where I'm at and what I need to do to achieve the best results (not just in weight loss, but in health). I also started eating non-fat/low-fat dairies

    I do think the low calories/carbs in the beginning really got me motivated because I lost so much of it, so it was the push that I really needed--but now I need to seriously think of losing more consistently (instead of just more) to keep it off.

    Thank-you all! :D This is truly a really awesome & amazing resource! XD

    P. S. So, apparently I have a farmer's tan now..... That's what happens for not wearing sunblock and using short-sleeved sports shirts for trail running/biking in the hot sun.... =_= *sigh*

    P. P. S. I also just finished the project I was working on, which leaves a little more evening time for this! Hehe, and not so much stress (well, until I get assigned another like 3 days, probably... =_=)

    P. P. P. S. ahhh sorry if this is such a late response! I have been super busy and because there's no notifications button, I didn't realize there were more responses (I thought they were all done) than the ones I had already responded to.

  • ButterflyEl
    ButterflyEl Posts: 29 Member

    A dietitian is a fantastic idea! I never thought of that. I've been trapped in the weighing yourself every day trap. I don't know why it's so addictive- I ended up doing it several times a day at one point and it does nothing but screw with your head so well done on picking up on that being unhelpful and addressing it so quickly!

    I'm so glad to hear you're feeling so much better :).

    Oh and isn't it just so annoying there being no notification thing on here. When you click on "Message Boards" under communities there's a tab that says "My topics" and all the topics you've commented on are in there. You might know that already but I know I have to remember to keep checking there!

    Sometimes you do need that "landslide drop" in the beginning so I'm glad it's helped you :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    EAT food!