Tall ladies - how long before people started noticing?

I'm 5'11 :) I find that since I'm taller than average, I tend to carry weight relatively well--I'm currently overweight, but I don't really look terribly big. This also means that if my weight fluctuates 5lbs one way or the other, it's not really as noticeable as it would be on a shorter person. So this makes me wonder.. how long will it take for people to notice a difference?


  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I'm the same height as you. I think it depends on your starting weight, and the people you know. No one told me I looked like I lost weight until I had lost 40lbs, but they had noticed probably after I lost 20lbs. Keep in mind, a lot of people don't feel comfortable talking about weight, and might not ever show they notice. I've only had a handful of people comment and by now it has got to be obvious to everyone. Also it was more noticeable when I dropped 20lbs at a lower weight than at a higher weight (overweight as apposed to obese). Since you're saying you are overweight, I'm guessing a 15-20lb change would be noticeable, especially since your clothes will fit differently. Then again, some people might not realize it's weight loss and just start giving you compliments on your "new haircut" or shirt. It also depends on how quickly you lose the weight and how often people see you. My husband just dropped 30lbs over the summer, and people don't even recognize him, but I had a friend slowly lose 25lbs over a year and it was hardly noticeable to a lot of us since we saw her all the time. Really it only matters how you feel and what you think about yourself.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    For me it was about 30lbs.