How do you deal with weekends?

I started myfitnesspal 2 weeks ago. I've lost about 10 pounds in it, which is good. But, I am finding I have a big problem with eating on the weekends. In my circle of friends, it's common for people to have dinner parties or hangouts where there is a lot of food.

It's really difficult to count and manage what I eat when eating is sort of part of the entertainment. I'm guessing others have this problem as well.

Does anyone have any good advice with how they deal with this sort or situation? Let me know.


  • jhobson2005
    I have the same problem if it makes you feel better. Our latest was the SEC championship party and I was good and counted my chips and measured my dip but it was at my house. Due to finals our get togethers are on hold until next week and Im not quite sure how things will go.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    When I first started, I found weekends really challenging. I now make an effort to get in a workout on both Saturday and Sunday, usually 30-45 minutes of jogging, circuit training (DVD), or bicycling first thing in the morning. I get it out of the way, eat well most of the day, and usually end up with enough calories left over for whatever sort of dinner comes my way (take out, dinner party, whatever).
  • ktblum
    ktblum Posts: 15 Member
    I'm navigating the weekend eating waters as well. This weekend I didn't even really update my food because I was always eating at other people's houses, appetizer type things, snippets here and there really so I wasn't even sure how to enter it. I'm finding that if I plan ahead, like eat really low cal breakfasts like multigrain cheerios and maybe soup for lunch, I have a bunch of calories that can be spent on dinner parties. and of course getting in weekend workouts help to burn off any excess calories. I'm just trying to eat conscientously by filling up on fruits and veggies first and then I find that I can sample the rest of the food without really needing to have a lot and yet not feeling like I deprived myself at all.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I struggle with this too. It is easy during the week to plan your meals because my days are so structured at work. But in the weekend I am a lot more spontaneous so often find myself STARVING but with no food or around a lot of canapes and treats with no plan of attack! It's hard to record and also demoralising as I feel so out of control.

    Maybe making a plan, e.g. if you are going to a dinner party allotting yourself 2 canapes or whatever? and carrying healthy snacks?
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    When I first started, I found weekends really challenging. I now make an effort to get in a workout on both Saturday and Sunday, usually 30-45 minutes of jogging, circuit training (DVD), or bicycling first thing in the morning. I get it out of the way, eat well most of the day, and usually end up with enough calories left over for whatever sort of dinner comes my way (take out, dinner party, whatever).

    This is a great start... Keep in mind as well if you're going to a social gathering it's generally ok to bring something (if it's a more formal dinner party call the host, find out what's on the menu and ask if you can "help" by bringing a salad or a side that meets your needs if they aren't already planning something you can account for. Make it healthy. most of our gatherings are pot-luck type events and when I started eating better I'd bring "Anna Friendly" snacks. Turns out they are often the most popular. From veggie or fruit trays, to lettuce wraps, or side dishes (chili glazed sweet potatoes mmm) to gluten free crackers and healthy dips... that way I have something to snack on that I KNOW is ok for me.

    I also make sure to eat a reasonable meal at home before I go. That way I don't go hog wild. Be prepared, stay away from anything creamy or cheesey and freaking enjoy yourself. This is a journey that will last a lifetime and there's no need to deprive yourself. Hell, you go over today... work it off tomorrow. :drinker:
  • emdeegan
    emdeegan Posts: 219 Member
    If I know that I am going to a party where food and drinks will be abundant I make veggie soup and have that for lunch with a wedge or two of laughing cow cheese and nut thin crackers. Its filling, low cal, warm and when paired with laughing cow cheese I don't feel like I am depriving myself.

    Simple veggie soup recipe
    -low sodium chix broth
    -minced garlic
    - mixed frozen veggies
    -mixed italian herb blend (thyme, rosemary, sage)
    put all ingredients in a pot and simmer for about 25 minutes, if you prefer a thicker brother take 1tbs of cornstarch, mix with some cold water and encourporate the slurry into the already simmered soup..
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    I am not dealing with them well I need to get better
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I have a similar problem. I fell off the wagon my first weekend with MFP and then decided I had to get on top of things!

    I try to get activity in Saturday and Sunday. Usually, this involves a long stroll with my family (even at a store), doing something outside with my kids (chasing them around the park, etc), some quick calisthenics, etc. I try to do SOMETHING so I can counterbalace the calories I am taking in.

    Second, I try to limit my portions when we are out. I also say no thank you to dessert 95% of the time, the other 5% I take a few bites and then I'm done. I try to think of it this way: I rate the offerings at the particular event. If there is something I really want, something I kind of want, and something I have little interest in, I take a normal portion size of the first, a 1/2 portion size of the second, and pass on the third. That way I don't feel deprived but I also am not overdoing it. Then I stick close to the water and FAR from the food.

    Good luck, it's a hard change but once you start you'll get used to it!