Car Accident - Knee Problems

kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
A month ago yesterday, I was hit by a drunk driver and my brand-new car was totalled. On impact, I think my knees smashed into the glove compartment and they were bruised and a little sore for a few days. It didn't feel like anything major so I took a few weeks off Turbo Fire and depression set in. Last week I started up again, lost my mojo after two days and I'm feeling depressed again. On Friday (3 days after i stopped again) my knees were getting sore just walking around and standing, I don't think it's related to the workout.

I'm frustrated. Why am I sore NOW? Did this woman ruin me forever? Emotionally, I haven't been the same since and I have completely falled off the wagon. I am getting back into TF (just did Fire 30 this morning) and will start physio therapy. Has anyone else had this happen?


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    You may need to find something that is not as hard on your knees right now. Remember Depression will make you feel aches and pain. If it is your knees don't let an injury get the best of you. Work around it. Let things heal. Eat healthy. If your eating poorly that can mess the chemicals in your body as well. I have had many injurys over the years. I have have clients with multiple injuries. We find a way to work around them to help strengthen them. If you have a computer there are great HIGH INTENSITY "LOW IMPACT"OWRKOUTS YOU can do to get your heart rate up, burn calories and feel great after. I have done some of those on line. I also modfy workouts when needed..... Like Insanity! I did the program but all the jumping and high impact move were harder on my knees so instead of not doing it I modifyed it. Think outside the box. EAT CLEAN. Chin Up and don't let depression get the best of you. If you live in a state like I do winter is the hardest time to stay motivated! If you ever need help jsut ask I will do my best.
    Stay warm
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