Starting out - get calories under control first?


Today is Day 1 for me. When you've just started out logging foods, do you first look at keeping within your calories per day before looking at the quality of calories?

Obviously I'm here because I eat too much, move too little, do I aim to change food habits to be within the calories and, once thats under control, then look at the nutritional value of what I'm eating?

Thanks :)


  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    'Quality' of calories rarely means much and most people seem to have an arbritary definition that doesn't directly relate to their health.

    People have lost weight AND increased important health markers purely eating McDonalds and so on.

    To meet your health goals...
    Look at calories.
    Then look macros (Protein, Fat, Carbs).
    Look at exercise.

    Then, especially if you like micro managing stuff, start looking at micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals).
  • Tanlil2014
    Thanks! Makes sense, I don't know if I'll get into micro nutrients... but you never know huh? lol
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    Hey OP! I started with food, too. I have some medical issues that required a radical lifestyle change but I would have started in the kitchen regardless. Too much change all at once can sometimes be overwhelming/frustrating, you know? Spend a few weeks logging your food and trying to stay under your daily goal - see how they align with your macros over time and then, if you want, begin to tweak what you eat. Most people (myself not included) do not need to give up any foods or food groups in order to be successful in weight loss; moderation is key to longterm sustainability. Good luck! MFP offers a lot of great support in the community. :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It really goes together though. You'll realize pretty fast that some things fit easily in your day, and some don't... and you'll end up eating more of the former.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    Today is Day 1 for me. When you've just started out logging foods, do you first look at keeping within your calories per day before looking at the quality of calories?

    Obviously I'm here because I eat too much, move too little, do I aim to change food habits to be within the calories and, once thats under control, then look at the nutritional value of what I'm eating?

    Thanks :)

    Quality is a rather vague term.

    Your ability to lose weight will primarily revolve around calories in vs calories out. In that sense, saying "just focus on calories" could appear to be good advice to promote weight loss.

    Your ability to adhere to a calorie deficit in the long term will primarily revolve around you forming better habits around food and lifestyle and promoting satiety/blunting hunger to the best of your ability. In that sense, saying "focus on building better habits" and "yes your food quality matters a great deal" could appear to be good advice to promote weight loss.

    If I were in your position I would track your calories and gradually work towards making better choices as far as food selection goes. Whole and minimally refined foods will TEND to be less energy dense, more nutrient dense, and promote satiety at a lower calorie cost when compared to heavily refined and hyper-palatable foods. This doesn't mean you need to eliminate all things enjoyable from your diet (moderation is great when you can learn it), but it's a good point to consider when you are deciding what to eat.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It really goes together though. You'll realize pretty fast that some things fit easily in your day, and some don't... and you'll end up eating more of the former.

    This. Also, there's not some special diet way to eat. Just you basic balanced meals with protein (meat or vegetarian sources or eggs and dairy), vegetables, (eat lots to fill up), and some other side to round out the plate. A starch is good here if you like it, just watch portion size, or dairy or fruit if you prefer. This seems to me pretty standard eating, just watch calories and see where you are.

    One thing that seems helpful to me is to log what you have been eating to see where the calories are and to try logging some of your ideas about meals.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    I started with food. You'll learn quickly that you get more food for less calories out of fruits and veggies and other "good" foods than you will out of a bag of potato chips. Don't worry, everything will fall into place, just stick it out. :)

    You'll also learn pretty quickly that the more you exercise the more food you'll get in a day. It's a great feature. Yesterday I was over my calories so I went for an hour long brisk walk and bam, I'm under my calorie goal. It's awesome.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Hi there,

    I've been doing this off and on for about 2-3 years now. My main advice would be to start gradually and make small changes. First up, I'd just log what I was eating and notice a few places you can make changes i.e. moving from lots of white bread to less wholegrain bread or whatever.

    Search out tasty reasonably low calorie dinner ideas so you've got a range to choose from. I find eating vege a few nights a week helps - we can get good vege sausages, burger patties etc.

    Also, when you can, just start a bit of gentle moving - even a 20 min walk a day helps.

    Best of luck with it and remember - persistence is key! You'll have good times and bad, but keep on going no matter what.