Taking it up a notch!

Greetings friends

Allow me to say hello, I'm JD and I've been into fitness for many years. I always wanted to be in really great shape but never have been able to get that far. I have finally gotten my mind right and have embarked on a 1 year fitness quest! I've done the 30 day challenge and the 90 day challenge but now I am kicking it up! I'm 53 years old and I want to achieve this goal while I am still young enough to do it! I'm at day 28 of my new workout and diet. Lost 10 lbs so far and I am seeing results from the 20 minute body weight workout. I am tweaking things as I go so it will not remain the same for long. If you would like to follow my journey visit my blog @ http://thewriteblogg.blogspot.com/2014/08/new-day.html



