Nutrition settings

Hi all,

New to MFP (well after a couple of unsuccessful attempts over the years!).

I'm 5"2 and weigh 165lbs or 11st, 11lbs. MFP have set me the following goals:

Carbs: 50%
Fat: 30%
Protein: 20%

For someone who struggles to lose weight partly due to a medical condition and also LOVES carbs, does this sound right?

I'm also looking for friends so please feel free to add me.



  • justina88
    justina88 Posts: 5 Member
    From what I have seen that is the standard setting. Lower carbs, at least at, first may help you fight hunger pains, but in the end it's all about the calories in vs. calories out. Good luck with your journey.

    My personal challenge has been to not give up. If I don't exercise one day or overeat at a meal - I am learning to accept it and then move forward. Previously I would just say, "Oh, I had a candy bar - blew my diet today!" and would proceed to pig out the rest of the day. :) I am retraining myself to not think that way. It is a struggle and I see so many people do the same thing over and over again. (My mom's an expert).
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    Hi :happy: I keep changing my macros because i'm not really that clever working out TDEE etc lol i'll send you an f/r