When you think that your get up and go...

...Has got up and gone. Think again.

Since June, I have lost the same 5 lb over and over again. Lose some, gain some, lose some gain some.
I have lost 2 stone FOUR TIMES!!

Over the last 11 weeks I have been ok with it. I have still lost a fair amount of weight, so bobbing up and down like a duck on a pond is not the end of the world.
But today I woke up and decided that enough is enough, I was tired of bobbing about in the water, I wanted to ride the rapids.

So I went for a walk this morning around Sutton Park. (For those who don't know. It is in Sutton Coldfield, England and it is a mix of heathland, wetlands and marshes, seven lakes, extensive ancient woodlands (covering approximately a quarter of the park).

My goal was 5 miles. I parked my car up, turned on my GPS and started walking.
I pretty much knew my route, a kind of wonky half circle around the outside of the park, through heather covered fields and old oak tree woodland until I reach the smooth, level main road that runs straight through the park back to my car.
It was lovely, watching the squirrels playing, listening to the wind though the leave in the trees. No hustle and bustle. No noise just me the squirrels and the birds. The perfect place to think.

By the time I got to the track, I had decided that I was sick and tired of taking the easy way out and that even though I was tired and my legs ached, I was nowhere near defeated, I still had some go in me. My fitbit buzzed, I had already done my 10,000 steps but I carried on round the other side of the park, over the uneven, stony ground.
I only stopping to say good morning to the cows lying down on the gorse covered grass.
I could see the main path far over to my right. I felt good about myself and it actually made me smile, knowing that I had pushed myself that little bit more.

I had to find a little bit more get up and go, to get me down the last stretch of track because every muscle in my legs was screaming and when I got to my car, I had to sit for 10 minutes so my jelly legs could solidify enough for me to drive home.
I looked at my GPS, my squishy, wobbly circle took me 2 hours and 20 minutes and I had actually walked 7 miles.
Not a bad effort for before mid-day on a Saturday.

I realised that even when I think I have done all I can, there is still a little more I can give.
So thats decided then... No more taking the easy route for me, I will not settle for the path of least resistance anymore.
I will not be losing the same 5lb over and over.
Today I am the most detemined I have been since I started this journey back in January.
I will overcome and I will succeed.


  • Tomboly1
    Tomboly1 Posts: 42
    Thank you for this inspiring story! I too have been hovering around the same place for a little bit too long, gaining and loosing the same 4 pounds. While part of me is okay with it, another part of me is annoyed I am not making the progress I feel I deserve. Time to scrutinize my diet because I already know my exercise is well in check.
  • floweredsteel
    floweredsteel Posts: 56 Member
    You're awesome! YAY!