Is exercise supposed to hurt really badly?

I know people talk about feeling the burn, but if they are feeling what I'm feeling and like it, they'd have to be masochists. For me it's not just a little bit of pain, it's almost unbearable. I feel burning pains shooting up my legs when I run, I feel like my muscles are bulging out of their proper location. It becomes incredibly hard to breathe and my throat gets coated in mucous, and I sweat so much that it almost pours off of me. My heart rate easily goes to 180+ from just a little bit of exercise. It's been like this my entire life, not just now that I'm obese.

Is this how it feels for everyone, or am I doing something wrong? Today I felt like that from jogging at 2.6 mph for just 11 minutes and 40 seconds. I looked to enter in my exercise, and it described what I did as a leisurely walk. I can tell you for me it most certainly wasn't leisurely.

Edit: I should probably note that the breathing part is likely from my asthma.


  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    No, it's probably not supposed to hurt that badly. For me it's more something that is annoying but not painful. I'm not sure about the sweating or the mucous in your throat... But I would recommend seeing a doctor. Maybe they can test you to be sure? Maybe you should be starting a bit slower than jogging immediately. I read an article on SparkPeople that said doctors classify jogging as a high intensity exercise no matter who you are (even if you're incredibly fit). Maybe start with walking 5 times a week for a month, then slowly increase the time or the pace.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Have you been checked by a doc? Seems like you should particularly have your heart and lungs examined, if nothing else you might have exercise induced asthma.

    The pain might be from being out of shape, but it also might be from improper oxygen circulation.

    You really need a physician's evaluation and advice.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Never ran. Maybe try something a little less difficult? Walking, maybe? Swimming?

    Swimming burns a ton of calories, is easy on the joints and doesn't make you feel hot and sweaty. You use all the muscles, but they don't cry. You get cardio and resistance at the same time. And being fat doesn't work against you in the pool.

    The only drawbacks are that you're wet when you're done and, for some people, you have to get over yourself about wearing a bathing suit. They make suits with shorts, so that helps on the latter part. :)

    I can imagine running now, much less where I was obese. I give you so much credit for doing it.
  • I suggest you see your GP and exercise under the supervision of a physician for a bit. Consulting your doctor allows the two of you to develop the best exercise plan for you. An extensive medical work up may be necessary as well beings you are hurting. This way you can explain what you're experiencing and your doc can properly prescribe your workout itinerary.

    Good Luck I hope things get easier and less painful. Never give up!!!
  • Definitely agree with Kalikel; you need to be starting out with something suitable to your level of fitness. You should not feel pain- only discomfort- there is a difference. I don't believe in that saying 'pain is gain' if you strain yourself too hard you could hurt yourself and you'll end up eating more (increased appetite) than you burn. Exercise is good in moderation but do not over exert yourself, if you hate it you will never make it a regular habit I have found.