Depressed, Need a real friend to talk to everyday.

Hi,:heart: im new here just started today. Already really like this place. Anyways my name is Emily. I'm 30 years old and i'm freaking depressed! I have no real friends in life and im real lonely and on top of that. I am miserable being fat! I am just being honest.
When i was a teen I was skinny and struggled with diet pills. Then started having panic attacks and was put on meds and gained a crap load of weight. All i did was eat and sleep. And now i am an emotional eater. I have no choice, I NEED to lose this weight., and I want to lose the weight as well, It's the only thing that will make me happy right now is to lose weight and be healthy and feel and look good.
I am looking for a friend that I can write to everyday. We can support one another. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Thanks and have a good day:drinker:


  • CeeShrinks
    Hi Emily, I'm Cee! I'm always around if you need to chat!
  • sammiekinns
    I'm Sam and I'm more the open to helping you talk things out
  • maddyk91
    maddyk91 Posts: 193 Member
    I am an emotional eater too...and gained almost 50lbs from depression--which I am trying to burn off now. This past year, I have struggled with my weight gain. I got over my depression, which was largely due to overwhelming amounts of outside stress. But I have been in your shoes, for sure. When I get moody or stressed, I eat because MAN food tastes good, and when you're at the end of your line, nothing tastes better than a good plate of risotto, or oreos, etc.

    Feel free to chat me up if you're looking for some support! I am always around to give it. :-)
  • loulabelle742
    loulabelle742 Posts: 14 Member
    hey im louise add me im always around for a chat
  • oarngesi
    oarngesi Posts: 73 Member
    Im fairly new but feel free to message me anytime
  • FitnessWeb34
    FitnessWeb34 Posts: 67 Member
    losing the weight reallydoes make you feel better, i am living proof of that. 2 years ago i was big depressed and very shy around people. Once i changed my habbits things are a 100% better. It will happen for you too. The thing about losing weightis it gives us the self confidence that we have always lacked. You can do it hun :-)
  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    Well I lost the weight and most people would call me fit now. I am one of the odd ones, being thin didn't solve all my problems, yeah I feel better but its not like the streets are paved with gold for me now that I am no longer fat. In fact I had to push away a lot of my friends to lose the weight and keep it off. Internet pals are great but you are going to need some real friends and I hate to say it but finding them can be a lot tougher then losing weight.
  • jamilynn_8890
    jamilynn_8890 Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm on here every day, and I have gone through/am going through a lot of the same things.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Welcome to the board, and welcome to your new journey.

    I have dealt with panic attacks, and diet pills, diet pills were years ago when you could get phentermine via the 'net. Panic attacks were a huge part of my life until a few months ago. I was depressed and lonely, I am nearing 31 (a few weeks or less away). 30 reminded me I wasn't young, 30 reminded me my body was going to change (plus I had baby #2 at 29 and I can't seem to get back to my size 6 body). 30 also brought some positive realization to my life. I would love to be positive for you, feel free to write to me whenever you want.

    Also, weight loss may not solve all your issues, and internet people are not real people, but every little bit helps.
  • rsipes1
    rsipes1 Posts: 3
    Hi Emily I haven't been on here since September so it feels like I'm new again too. Everyone is pretty awesome here and helpful.
    I need to get back into the swing of things with my diet and exercise. I lost 28 lbs and gained like 6 or 7 of it back from last year.
    So any motivation is great from anyone you can get it from. We are all here for the same purpose support and friendship. So you need help with anything just ask. You can find me on Facebook to if you would like. Things will get better just take it one day at a time.