New to Fitness Pal


I am Linda. I'm a 33 year old SAHM. I have about 177 pounds to lose. My doctor basically said I have to lose weight or I won't be around to raise my kids. I have struggled with my weight for a long time. I am hoping I have success with this. Nothing else I have tried works.


  • kmm8784
    kmm8784 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! I feel as long as your ready this website is AWESOME!! There's a lot of great people and knowledge on this site.. You can do it!! Feel free to add me!!
  • Stacy_of_Oregon
    Stacy_of_Oregon Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Linda,

    I'm Stacy, a 43 year-old mother of four grown children (the youngest is 18 and lives at home). I am on disability, so I do not work outside the home (unless you count the gym!).

    I have around 50 pounds to lose. I carry a lot of my weight in my abdominal region. I have been told by a previous physician (and I have also read this in health magazines), that abdominal fat is a precursor to diabetes and heart disease, both of which run in my family.

    While I would be lying if I didn't say vanity was one of my motivations to lose weight, I really do want to improve my health. I have insomnia, depression, anxiety, GERD, two bum shoulders and a bad back, just to name a few things! I think losing weight and exercising regularly would help all of these things I just mentioned.

    I will send you a Friend Request, and if I sound like someone you would be interested in giving and receiving motivation from, then by all means, please add me.

    Take care and best wishes to you,

    Stacy :smile:
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Hey!! Im 34 SAHM/work there. and i am about your weight. Im starting gover and need friends like me. Add me :)
    We can motivate eachother hopefully.
  • Jen_1964
    Jen_1964 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Linda,

    I started off needing to lose around 177 pounds and have taken off 15 in the last month and a half. Would love to join your encouragement team.

  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Linda,
    I am a SAHM to our 3 year old daughter. I know how hard it is to lose weight while taking care of your family. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • linchambers0208
    linchambers0208 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome and support!