Smaller ladies - slow & steady success stories w pics?

Hey MFP friends. I'm small framed, 5'3" and started at 150lbs. I have been in recovery from eating disorder issues (body preoccupation, starving, bingeing) for several years now thanks to a great therapist. Now I'm ready to lose some excess weight in a positive and healthy way -- never done that before! I went to see my therapist for a twice a year follow up and she said someone with my history should go no lower than 1800 cal/day, and seek to lose no more than 1/2 a pound a week. Any success stories from smaller ladies out there who have kept their calorie counts on the higher side? And lost the weight in a way that feels loving and positive? Thank you!


  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I'm 5' 3 1/2" and just under 150. I'm going really slow because I'm more interested in recomposition than a lower scale weight. One thing that helped me tremendously so far is a fitness tracker. I use the Bodymedia Fit because it's the most accurate, but any of the Fitbits, Polar Loop, Garmin Vivofit, can help.

    Having a good idea of exactly how many calories I burn in a day takes all the guesswork out of it. I average around 1900 cals burned and consume around 1700 net, so only around a 200 calorie deficit (sometimes closer to 100) and I lift heavy and do light cardio. So far I haven't lost many pounds, but my body shape has changed dramatically, with a higher, rounder butt and various cuts and lines in my legs and back. And I don't restrict what I eat, only the amounts, so I still have Taco Bell, pizza, burgers and lots of ice cream. I allow myself to go over my goal and then make it up gently for the next couple of days. So far, it's really working, and I think it's a great, sustainable plan for getting the body I want without losing my mind.