Eating half my calorie daily intake before bed.

So, I eat around 2300 calories a day, which is a 300 calorie deficit right now. I do 150-200 push ups 5-7 days a week, I work in a non stop fast paced factory with most of my day dealing with lifting 50+ lbs. I drink over 150 oz of water a day, and don't consume any "empty" calories in my diet, I eat vary clean. I eat a 500cal breakfast of whites/whole egg mix, chicken, spinach, garlic and chili powder, lunch of mixed veggies and chicken (300cal) and snack 2-3 times a day with 100-200 cal of just chicken, trying to eat every 2-4 hours. But right before bed, like 1hr to 30min before falling asleep I eat a mix of 1-3cups Greek yogurt, 300-400g bananas, and 4-8 tbsp peanut butter (some times I go over my calories usually I stay within my goal) My macros are coming out to 25% carbs / 30% fat / 45% protein. Sodium is within goal, fiber is usually only short 5-8g. I've read that eating at night isn't really bad, that it's a myth. But most of my fat and carbs are right before falling asleep? All I care about is maintaining a slim, trim, toned physique. And this seems to be the only way to prevent me from binge eating junk food, which happened for about 2 weeks and I gained some weight and lost tone. It's still a large calorie intake in one sitting (800- sometimes 1400) but it's clean? What's your fees back?

Diet mainly consists of (variation of)
Raw Green vegetables
Low sodium Boneless skinless chicken breast
Low sodium Tuna
Natural no salt added peanut butter
Raw fruits (mainly bananas)
Non fat plain greek yogurt (fred meyer brand 140cal per 1 cup with 24g protein per cup)
No added salts fats or sugars
Only drink coffee water tea


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    If it's working for you then keep it up. Your body is like a factory that runs 24/7. You might be off shift for part of the day but production keeps happening at the factory. When you rest, your body is still digesting food, repairing your muscles, keeping your heart beating, brain functioning, etc. It is completely fine to eat food, even a lot, right before bed.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    eat what you want, when you want, as long as you are within your caloric goals. You want to maintain, yet you are eating at a deficit? I think you need to re-evaluate your goals and priorities.