Smaller butt here I come!

Hi all, I'm a 24 year old female from NY. I have an almost 4yr old son.

I've been on and off diets/lifestyle changes for the better part of ten years, clearly none of them have worked for me yet. I am 250lbs at only 5 ' 5", but I have been the same size since 7th grade, which I suppose is good (I could have gotten bigger around!)

Change of diet is fairly easy for me at first but I suffer anytime I have a set back, I don't just 'bounce back' I end up saying 'forget the diet, I'll start again in a week' then that week never ends. Exercise difficult because I need to overcome a house of negativity to do so, my mother pokes fun at me and my significant other won't say anything but makes subtle hints that I am wasting my time.

I have used a couple other fitness sites, but I never tried making friends; my sense of humor is a bit skewed at best. I love the app here, scanning bar codes is MUCH easier than counting calories, day one it has already helped a lot. Well say hi, add me, attempt to get to know me. I am pretty friendly, just a bit odd and slightly obsessed with Disney :tongue:


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I have a very "off" sense of humor...add me and I'll encourage you along the way...and maybe make you laugh!
  • Neykoll
    Neykoll Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome, I sent you an invite (I think) I am still trying to get the hang of this site; both online and onapp.