Of course I want to lose weight, get healthy, and look great but I just can't find the motivation to workout and It's been very difficult to stop eating unhealthy food I want to so bad but I always give in and eat :(


  • Jaywalker_7
    Jaywalker_7 Posts: 68 Member
    Sorry you're struggling right now. I struggle with motivation as well, but I've found that it doesn't always exist. And when it isn't there, I just need to physically go through the motions and drag myself out to exercise or literally force myself to just walk out of the kitchen. I had to realize that the initial "woohoo lets do this!" attitude isn't always gunna be there. But if I just physically start putting on my workout clothes and left-foot-right-foot-left-foot right out the door, I feel a million times better. Sometimes it takes doing that workout to give me a little motivation. For example, this morning my toddler woke me up super early by crawling into my bed and falling back to sleep. But of course I was then wide I had a teeny tiny voice telling me I should really sneak out to go for a run. Then I thought of every excuse in the book for why I shouldn't go. I did not WANT to! I complained in my head the entire time I got changed and laced up my sneakers. Well, I ran for 2 miles straight this morning without stopping to walk. Although many people walk faster than I run, and could do 2 miles in their sleep, it was such a HUGE accomplishment for me. I felt like superwoman the rest of the day. You CAN do this. I promise. You just can't wait for motivation to knock at your door. There's a cheesy Nike slogan that would fit in right about now...but I'll resist. Hang in there! <3
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    So the first thing I always ask is what are you doing to exercise. Is is something you actually want to do? I run and do abs. That's it. Nothing fancy, nothing like "I lifted for two hours today" or "I went and sat on a stationary bike for an hour" because I would never, ever stick with it. Find something you like, walking, running, hoola hooping, hopping on one leg, whatever, and do that.

    About the eating. Have you tried healthy subs? Instead of vanilla ice cream, how about low fat vanilla yogurt with some granola and fat free whip? Or instead of a hot dog how about a Nathan's 90% fat free hot dog on a low cal wheat bun? Or maybe instead of white bread how about white wheat.

    A lot of it is just cals in cals out. So keep track of that and the rest will fall into place.

    Finally, I do weekly cals, not daily. So if I have 1400 today and I only eat 1200 that means I've got 200 extra for Sunday now that football is starting because I know I'll want wings and beer :).