car tire down to bicylce tire

Ok...if anyone can help me along I would love it!! Ive lost 48 lbs and have lost weight all over even the midsection so I went from a car tire to bicylce tire and It wont budge..still have that muffin top when pants or skirt goes Im doing more cardio RIGHT? is that what Im supposed to do? I dont do much weights but how is weights going to help lose the gut.. im upto 20 miles on bike and i eat right 98% of the time.. any suggestions


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    The weight lifting helps with the muscle mass that in turn needs more energy to sustain itself. Then your body needs more cals just to function. :)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    ^^ What she said.

    If you've lost nearly 50lbs, you know you can't spot lose fat- your body decides where and how to distribute it. Cardio is great- it's the burn that lets you eat a bit more and really gets your heart pumping. Strength workouts are what keep your muscles at a low, constant burn. And Strength training doesn't have to include big heavy weights- try a bodyweight routine (squats, lunges, pushups, dips, crunches and planks) that use your own body to create resistence.
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    any spare tyre is annoying - but i'm told they disappear in time! I've had mine for years but its finally shrinking now thanks to 30 day shred, after the first 30 days I lost 3 inches off my waist.:smile: I also run 4-5 times per week so do enough cardio. (I'd like to lose another 2-3" off my waist and hips - so i'm repeating the dvd and continuing with the diet)

    My love handles are nearly gone and my muffin top is definately shrinking, After 2 kids i'm not expecting miracles but something that looks ok under clothes would be a nice start.

    I'm told that you can get the 30 DS on exercise channels for free in the states. Its only 20 mins so its not hard to do each day.