
Hi all,

My name is Helen and I am 32 years old (173cm/82kg). I struggled with weight in high school too, but after one long summer of intense exercise and restrictive diet I managed to beat myself. For more than a decade I maintained my ideal weight (58-62kg) until 2 years ago when due to a lot of stress and an increased amount of work (sedentary job!) I completely let go. The result is - over 20kg gain out of which 15 only in the last year!!!

At first I took it lightly - I got married to a great, supportive guy and found it easy to dismiss my developing weight-issue (due to his unfailing love and apparent attraction to me regardless of my size) as a mere vanity that 'I'll handle when I find more time', but now I am noticing that not only my appearance is dramatically changed for the worse but also my health is suffering. I used to be a corporate-style, high-heels, gym-regular girl but now after only an hour on heels my feet suffer - I can no longer walk for hours even when wearing flats and my knees and lower back are sometimes very sensitive and painful when I go to bed in the evening. In addition, my husband and I want to have a baby but I am terrified of getting pregnant before I sort our my weight, knowing that I will gain weight in pregnancy... it would be one thing to gain 8-10kg of pregnancy fat from my ideal weight and an entirely different thing to do so when I am already 20kg overweight!!!

Therefore, we have agreed I will dedicate time and energy to losing these 20kg in the next 4 months! I am not so sure my goal is realistic but I have registered in the local gym, have an exercise program tailored to my needs and will start a diet.

Please, support me on this challenge! I need all the help and support I can get!


  • JePet63
    JePet63 Posts: 7 Member
    This forum moves so quickly... when combined with some spam posts, quite a few of us newbies get squeezed out before anyone actually reads our posts :(
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    You're planning to lose weight too quickly imho, 1 kilo a week is hard work and the maximum recommended loss.

    You need to change your diet, lifestyle to maintain the loss over your lifetime. Not just a crash diet..
  • JePet63
    JePet63 Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah, I am aware that it may not go as quickly nor as easy as it did 10+ years ago - the goal I made is based on how much time I needed to do the same then - with 2 trainings a day (jogging and aerobics) which I am going to start September 1st.

    When it comes to nutrition, my problem is not so much the amount (I really don't eat big portions) but the type of food. So I am hoping that if I switch to salads and fish from pastries and red meat, I may see some results.

    To be honest, I need a big goal to help me push forward... if I feel goal is too easy, knowing myself, I'll give up in a week.

    All that being said - all nutrition tips are more than welcome!!!