Frozen microwaved food...

Hey everyone. I know that the proof is in the numbers, but I was curious what your thoughts were on frozen food found in your local grocery store. EG those marie Callanders meal. While nothing will beat a homecooked meal, and almost anything better than fast food. For instance the meatloaf with gravy mashersm and veggies has the following nutritional facts.

Cal- 450
Fat - 19
Saturated - 7
Carbs - 40
Protein - 31
Sugar - 6

What do you think? is it a healthy alternative when you are on the go, and when you dont want the fast food?



  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Lots of fat and high in sodium! I personally feel that as long as you are not eating the frozen meals daily or fast food daily, you can have either when you need to. Just drink a lot of water to help combat all the sodium in either choice.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    What's the sodium count on that bad boy? :happy:
  • JulieBoBoo
    What's the sodium content?

    Honestly, I've never really understood why people don't just cook batches of freezable meals from home and keep them frozen in microwaveable containers. Just as portable, just as easy to heat and eat, but you actually KNOW what you're eating.

    not to mention less packaging = less waste
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Marie Calendars, no. If you look at Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, and Smart Ones, you're headed in a better direction. Just watch the sodium. It can get pretty gnarly.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    That's on my 'Don't Do List'.

    I consider frozen food to be part of the dreaded 'processed' food group. There are exceptions like veggies (sometimes) but that it.

    Go fresh or go home... :flowerforyou:
  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    Sodium levels on those things are HORRIBLE...But if it isn't all the time they should be fine...Everything in moderation is fine...
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    No, no . . . did I mention "NO". You didn't post the sodium in your list . . . bet it is WAY off the charts. I have not read a single nutritional information panel, or the ingredience on any of those prepackaged frozen foods that were any good. They are all crap.

    I have realized that the better my plan, the better my results. I do up a weekly (actually I do it for every 2 weeks because that is how we are paid) food plan including all meals and snacks . . . then I build my grocery list from that. We no longer waste anything and it had actually made the grocery bill cheaper. I usually spend a few hours on Sunday in the kitchen cooking chicken breasts to slice (for salads and sandwiches), hard boiling eggs, making my husbands Splenda banana bread for the week, washing and portioning veggy "snack" bags, etc.

    On the rare occassions that I have left my lunch sitting on the kitchen table I will hit a Subway and either get a salad or a 6" on whole wheat, but ONLY the roasted chicken breast with LOTS of veggies.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    SODIUM SODIUM STAY AWAY!!!! I only reccomend frozen fruits and veggies that are flash frozen no add crap!!!!
  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    Eat Amy's frozen meals instead - they're more all natural.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    As long as your not eating one for every meal the sodium should be managable. I use them when I need to, it is better than fast food or nothing at all! If I am home I like to "hook them up" by adding in extra frozen (or fresh) veggies just throw it all together in the stir fry pan, I also add brown rice if I have it on hand to add in some fiber. mmmmmm makes for a much bigger and more satisfying meal!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    So much sodium! I stay away from all those frozen things.....just not good for you......
  • tina8884
    I eat the Healthy Choice meals sometimes if I'm not in the mood to cook. Check them out... they aren't that bad but I wouldn't reccomend eating it every day. Home prepared meals are much better for you :)
  • RDTaylor13
    I agree. why not just pre-make healthy, freezable meals for those times when you are in a rush. atleast that way you can help control what goes into your body.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Marie Calendars, no. If you look at Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, and Smart Ones, you're headed in a better direction. Just watch the sodium. It can get pretty gnarly.
    Oh yeah she is right I usually but Lean cusine they seem to be lower in sodium than the others....
  • ziggythecat
    ziggythecat Posts: 62 Member
    I eat the fire out of those Michelina's Lean Gourmet meals. They're cheap and quick. Granted it's not a home cooked meal but I don't always have time to cook during the weekend to prepare for the next week.
  • jennylynn84
    I use them for lunches and whatnot. I need all the leftovers I end up with to feed me and hubby throughout the week. I use Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice though. Honestly too, the sodium on these suckers is often less than what I cook for dinner. Making a Hungry Girl Meal tonight for dinner and the sodium is TWICE what my Lean Cuisine was. And that's not a unique occurrence. So "home-cooked" food is only better depending on WHAT your home-cooked food is and how you make it. I agree with others, just make sure that you don't eat it every single meal, make sure you get veggies into your day as well (at dinner or as snacks).
  • ashleyinthestars
    ashleyinthestars Posts: 107 Member
    I buy Healthy Choice Complete Meals, my personal faves being the Country Herb Chicken (only 430mg of Sodium) and the Lemon Pepper Fish (360mg of Sodium). Today I had the Golden Roasted Turkey Breast (460mg of Sodium). These are an easier, cheaper option for me at work.
  • meeshers
    meeshers Posts: 73 Member
    yeah, i do the Sunday huge cooking spree to make my own frozen meals for the week too! This week is a yummy pork, black bean, sweet potato and mango stew. So yummy! I was scared to put in the calories for the stew, but despite the portions being large and really tasty, it's only around 500 cals for dinner! And so much better than Marie Callendar's. I know it's hard to get the motivation to cook up a storm on Sunday, but it is so worth it!

    Having said that, I agree with people advocating 'everything in moderation.' Sometimes you're just so tired that it's hard work to put a frozen meal in the microwave let alone make dinner. Just try not to do it every night! :wink:
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    I will agree with everyone that said to make your own. When you have time of course do a big batch of frozen dinner in microwave containers and you are set for those days when you have to run....just grab and go but you know what is in it and its far healthier!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Marie Calendar tries to be sneaky and put those bars on the front that say

    10% of your carb intake / 15% of your protein needs / %18 of your veggie needs!

    The of course skip the "250% of your daily fat needs! / 400% of your daily sodium needs / 75% of your daily calorie needs" labels as well!

    The pot pies are AWFUL! They are sooo tasty though so I have maybe 2 a year. :blushing:

    Also look - is that 450 PER SERVING - because there are likely 2 "servings" in the box!

    Healthy Choice is a lot better if you have to do frozen meals. But, just because you're in a hurry does not mean you can't plan ahead. Beef stew keeps a while in the fridge. You can crock pot some one day and have leftovers all week. You can control the content (sodium, plus no preservatives - I can't read 1/2 of what's on the other boxes!) and it heats up in just as little time. Lots of other things you can make quick or on the go. I can have an egg sandwich shell to stomach in less than 6 minutes if I'm rushing!

    Kashi makes good ones too, though they are out of my price range!