Hungry all the time!



  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    I want to weigh 195
    To get there, eat 1950 cal per day (total, ignore "net" or exercise). Again, this is what my doctor & dietician told me - 10x your healthy goal weight = calories to eat to get there.

    That's an irresponsibly aggressive deficit, doctor/ dietician or no doctor/ dietician, in my opinion. Even if simply multiplying your current bodyweight by 10, and using that as your calorie target, you would end up with a 33% caloric deficit every day. By basing the calculation on your desired body weight would make it even worse, resulting in a daily caloric deficit greater than 33% and quite likely bordering on starvation levels, if not actually at or below starvation levels.

    I do like the maintenance calculation of multiplying your bodyweight in pounds by 15, and its a nice one for a variety of purposes, be it weight loss, maintenance, or gain, as it gives a nice easy and approximate number to base your loss/ maintenace/ gain target on :)