no pix needed..need ur success story

I Am in a bit of a slump. Not seeing too much progress yet. I want to keep pushing on even though its hard. Please post your success stories. Ive been reading success stories all morning, but I want 1 thread I can come to when feeling low. No pix needed Just tell me what made you decide to change, how you did it, yout results and a piece of advice for me :) thanks


  • alexsondra34
    alexsondra34 Posts: 57 Member
    i used to watch extreme makeover weightloss edition, i'm not really into reality tv but when i see people twice my size working out like that it gives me that extra push of thinking" if they are way heavier and can do it, so can i".

    I lost 27 kg/59 pounds in about 4 months with the dissociated diet ( never eat carbs and protein in hte same meal) and working out every day at least 30 min, i hit a wall at 82 kg/180 pounds and piled it up again, sort of felt defeated and had a lot of stuff going seriously wrong in my life.

    Now i'm up for round two and i'm going to make it the last time i find myself in this situation, i've understood that i'm into this for the long haul and something that i've been carrying around for 10 years is not just going to dissapear just like that.

    remind yourself of why you are doing this and how far you've come.

    Instead of: You Can Say:
    I’m going to be fat forever. It took a while to get here; it’ll take a while to get back.

    I hate my body. My body’s getting healthier every day. I’m looking forward to eating healthierfoods.

    I’m starving.This diet is too hard. Just wait.Good things take time.

    It’s going too slow. If I’m patient, I’ll be successful. I can wait as long as it takes.

    I’m going to buy a candy bar. I’m strong enough to say “no” this time.

    I feel sick all the time. I’m getting stronger and healthier every day.

    I’m so ashamed of the way I look. I’m so proud of myself for setting weight goals.

    I can’t do this. I can’t wait to see the new me.

    I’m going to fail again. Every day is a new beginning.

    i hope this helps you a bit, take care.
  • 9bars
    9bars Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5ft 3, 44 and was 244lb with an underactive thyroid and high blood pressure when I realised I had to change and didn't want to face a future of bad health, not being able to wear the clothes I liked and not wanting to go out and do things with my family. I counted calories and started taking walks every day come rain or shine. To begin with I cut out all processed and sugary foods just because of past experiences where I'd gradually used too many calories on chocolate, be hungry and give up, since Christmas though I eat what I want within my calories, but make sure I hit my protein and fibre goals so I feel full.

    Losing over 100lbs has changed my life and was worth every bit of effort, I literally look and feel like a new woman lol!

    The biggest changer for me was finding how filling protein bars are

    Take pics at every half a stone lost and measurements

    I bought a few basic clothes every time I dropped a size

    I read loads of success stories on here and also watched the tv weight loss programmes every night

    Fit in exercise where ever you can, I jogged on the spot while watching tv a lot.

    Give yourself planned breaks

    Good luck, you can do this, it doesn't matter how many tries it takes or how many bad days there are a long the way, learn from it and just start the next day afresh determined to get healthy :)
  • djpro1337
    djpro1337 Posts: 68 Member
    I lost 27 pounds, but what was more important was how I looked. I didn't go for a goal weight, I had a certain look I wanted, so that was my goal. I worked out about 5 days a week and about 2 or 3 of those days I worked out twice a day. What really worked for me, other than being in a caloric deficit, was doing burpees. It's a love/hate relationship with them, but they are very effective.

    I wanted to change because first, I wanted to look better. I also wanted to change because I wanted to set an example for my family. Being the man of the family, I am the leader, and I wanted to lead my family in the correct way. The best way to do that is to practice what I preach, and show rather than tell. They look up to me, they're proud of me, and it pushes them to be better when they see me pushing to be better.

    I do a lot of crossfit workouts, and some of the workouts are named after soldiers that are no longer alive (some are just regular girl names, too). This motivated me because when I'm doing one of those workouts, I'm not working out for me, I'm working out for someone that gave their life for my freedom.

    My advice, do the things everyone else doesn't want to do so you can have what everyone else doesn't have. Don't do easy stuff. A saying I like to go by is "if you don't fear your workout, it's not hard enough."

    My results? I have muscle definition, I had a six pack, and I get compliments all the time about how "solid" and fit I look. Why? Because I do the hard stuff, and I do the things others don't want to do.
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    Just so you know, everyone goes through some bad times, low places, off happens, we are human. What I have learned from MFP, and the difference from almost 100 lbs ago, is the quicker you pick your self up off the floor (or couch), the less the damage is and the easier the recovery. I am actually going through a "transition" period, with two of my babies in school and finding a balance. I started slacking in the logging and work out department and now...that I am gassy beyond tolerance (tmi, I know) and bloated, and disgusted...I am promising myself to do good today. The best motivation I have, honestly, is a little summer dress that doesn't fit. Its the size pants I wear, but doesn't fit. When I feel unmotivated, I put it on. It fits better now, but still uncomfortable. Nothing like a wake up call in the form of bulging pudge in a cute outfit. Motivation has to come within. You have to want this for yourself to change anything. Deep breaths, and just start from the beginning. If your in a rut, change the routine, find a new super food and research good recipes. find a new form of excersize or train for a race. FIND YOUR REASON FOR BEING AWESOME! Friend me if you want. I am real, with three kids, I eat pizza and drink whisky :)
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    I will tell my weight loss journey in a nut shell I suppose. I have time to kill.

    My highest weight was 251 pounds. My wife wanted to lose weight and she went on a low carb diet due to PCOS. I started to feel really hungry and drained because of it. Concerned I was not being fed enough I joined weight watchers.
    note: My wife is over a foot shorter then me and typically does most the cooking.

    I ended up starting my weight loss journey then. I lost a lot. My lowest weight at that point was 204. However I stopped logging because of the time it took. I felt it was too time consuming and annoying. I gained the weight back very quickly. Went up to 247 pounds and I was depressed about it. A friend of mine mentioned that they count calories on here so I joined up here instead of WW.

    It has taken me a very long time. Around 3 years to be honest but I have met my goals and I will never stop logging. I will never gain the weight back. I have slowly changed how I live my life in a very sustainable way. I am much more active and I eat much better overall. I eat completely free of guilt a lot. Holidays, get togethers with friends, camping trips all that stuff.

    My weight loss goal when I started MFP was to get to 200 pounds. I did that. When I got there though I realized that 190 was likely a better range for me to shot for. I am now at 195 so I am right there. More importantly though I lift weights. I feel great and I think I look pretty good as well.

    I will say one thing though. I remember going to DMV at one point, sitting in there waiting room forever like we all do. (in America) I was very frustrated with my weight loss. I was stuck at 215 and no matter how hard I tried or what I did I just could not get down to 200. It was frustrating, it really was. I just told myself I was not in a rush so just keep logging and working out and whatever will happen will happen. Overall body weight was not really important anyway just body fat.
    Today I am at 195 so I did get through that point but I also learned the most important lesson to weight loss. Patience!!!!!!!!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    My journey started with working out, and that's still my primary focus. I had tried a bunch of diets and either they didn't work, or they worked but they weren't something I could sustain so I inevitably quit and would gain it all back. Did that for 20 years.

    I finally decided I should get in better shape, even if I didn't seem to be able to lose weight, so I hired a personal trainer in February 2013. I saw him 3x a week for 30 minutes of strength training. I did alternating Zumba or Pilates classes every Tuesday night and otherwise for cardio I walked. In May 2013 I started running using Couch to 5K, then did the 5K-to-10K training plan. In June 2014 I ran my first half marathon. I still see my trainer 3x a week. I'm learning to swim, I just bought a bike on Friday, and hope to do a sprint triathlon next summer. I work out 6 days a week and several of those days I work out twice (I'll run or swim before work then strength train or do Pilates after work). Saturdays I typically do my long run so Sundays I'll do low or non-impact cardio cross-training (bike, rowing machine, elliptical, Jacobs Ladder, etc.) plus my trainer will give me strength homework of anything we didn't get to during the week.

    Along the way I lost 92 pounds. I keep it pretty simple. Early on I started logging my calories on MFP. My current streak is 536 days. I aim for a consistent calorie target every day (I don't eat back my exercise calories). I base on that target on the most I can eat and still lose weight. Right now that seems to be about 1600-1700 calories a day. I don't have a goal weight set in stone - will stop when my body is where I want it to be - but I'm estimating I'm within 10 pounds. The biggest key for me is consistency. I don't take planned cheat meals or cheat days, but I also don't deprive myself of any foods that I really want. I take them on a case-by-case basis and seriously weigh the calories against how much I want it. If I have to run 4 miles to burn off a chocolate chip cookie, then it better be worth it. If it's not worth it, there's no point in eating it. If it is worth it, then I will enjoy it guilt free.

    It's been life changing. Sure the weight loss is nice, but the fact that I'm strong and fit and capable and full of energy is what I consider the biggest win.

    Good luck to you!

    ETA: I'm down 92 pounds from 1/1/13 but am down 112 pounds from my highest weight ever. I signed up for MFP right before January of 2013 so I have my weight on Jan 1 of that year as my starting weight for my ticker here.
  • i used to watch extreme makeover weightloss edition, i'm not really into reality tv but when i see people twice my size working out like that it gives me that extra push of thinking" if they are way heavier and can do it, so can i".

    I lost 27 kg/59 pounds in about 4 months with the dissociated diet ( never eat carbs and protein in hte same meal) and working out every day at least 30 min, i hit a wall at 82 kg/180 pounds and piled it up again, sort of felt defeated and had a lot of stuff going seriously wrong in my life.

    Now i'm up for round two and i'm going to make it the last time i find myself in this situation, i've understood that i'm into this for the long haul and something that i've been carrying around for 10 years is not just going to dissapear just like that.

    remind yourself of why you are doing this and how far you've come.

    Instead of: You Can Say:
    I’m going to be fat forever. It took a while to get here; it’ll take a while to get back.

    I hate my body. My body’s getting healthier every day. I’m looking forward to eating healthierfoods.

    I’m starving.This diet is too hard. Just wait.Good things take time.

    It’s going too slow. If I’m patient, I’ll be successful. I can wait as long as it takes.

    I’m going to buy a candy bar. I’m strong enough to say “no” this time.

    I feel sick all the time. I’m getting stronger and healthier every day.

    I’m so ashamed of the way I look. I’m so proud of myself for setting weight goals.

    I can’t do this. I can’t wait to see the new me.

    I’m going to fail again. Every day is a new beginning.

    i hope this helps you a bit, take care.

    Thank you! Congrats to you and your success thus far! You have given me some inspiration that I really needed. Thank you for the positive statements at the end. I am definitely going to use them!!
  • I'm 5ft 3, 44 and was 244lb with an underactive thyroid and high blood pressure when I realised I had to change and didn't want to face a future of bad health, not being able to wear the clothes I liked and not wanting to go out and do things with my family. I counted calories and started taking walks every day come rain or shine. To begin with I cut out all processed and sugary foods just because of past experiences where I'd gradually used too many calories on chocolate, be hungry and give up, since Christmas though I eat what I want within my calories, but make sure I hit my protein and fibre goals so I feel full.

    Losing over 100lbs has changed my life and was worth every bit of effort, I literally look and feel like a new woman lol!

    The biggest changer for me was finding how filling protein bars are

    Take pics at every half a stone lost and measurements

    I bought a few basic clothes every time I dropped a size

    I read loads of success stories on here and also watched the tv weight loss programmes every night

    Fit in exercise where ever you can, I jogged on the spot while watching tv a lot.

    Give yourself planned breaks

    Good luck, you can do this, it doesn't matter how many tries it takes or how many bad days there are a long the way, learn from it and just start the next day afresh determined to get healthy :)

    Wow! 100 lbs is a lot! Congrats to you. I bet you do feel like a new woman. I am excited for you and thank you for sharing your success with me!
  • I lost 27 pounds, but what was more important was how I looked. I didn't go for a goal weight, I had a certain look I wanted, so that was my goal. I worked out about 5 days a week and about 2 or 3 of those days I worked out twice a day. What really worked for me, other than being in a caloric deficit, was doing burpees. It's a love/hate relationship with them, but they are very effective.

    I wanted to change because first, I wanted to look better. I also wanted to change because I wanted to set an example for my family. Being the man of the family, I am the leader, and I wanted to lead my family in the correct way. The best way to do that is to practice what I preach, and show rather than tell. They look up to me, they're proud of me, and it pushes them to be better when they see me pushing to be better.

    I do a lot of crossfit workouts, and some of the workouts are named after soldiers that are no longer alive (some are just regular girl names, too). This motivated me because when I'm doing one of those workouts, I'm not working out for me, I'm working out for someone that gave their life for my freedom.

    My advice, do the things everyone else doesn't want to do so you can have what everyone else doesn't have. Don't do easy stuff. A saying I like to go by is "if you don't fear your workout, it's not hard enough."

    My results? I have muscle definition, I had a six pack, and I get compliments all the time about how "solid" and fit I look. Why? Because I do the hard stuff, and I do the things others don't want to do.

    I love it! Do the things no one else wants to do so you can have what they dont. Congrats to you on your 27 lbs and goals you have achieved. I know your family is super proud
  • Just so you know, everyone goes through some bad times, low places, off happens, we are human. What I have learned from MFP, and the difference from almost 100 lbs ago, is the quicker you pick your self up off the floor (or couch), the less the damage is and the easier the recovery. I am actually going through a "transition" period, with two of my babies in school and finding a balance. I started slacking in the logging and work out department and now...that I am gassy beyond tolerance (tmi, I know) and bloated, and disgusted...I am promising myself to do good today. The best motivation I have, honestly, is a little summer dress that doesn't fit. Its the size pants I wear, but doesn't fit. When I feel unmotivated, I put it on. It fits better now, but still uncomfortable. Nothing like a wake up call in the form of bulging pudge in a cute outfit. Motivation has to come within. You have to want this for yourself to change anything. Deep breaths, and just start from the beginning. If your in a rut, change the routine, find a new super food and research good recipes. find a new form of excersize or train for a race. FIND YOUR REASON FOR BEING AWESOME! Friend me if you want. I am real, with three kids, I eat pizza and drink whisky :)

    You are so awesome. I want to live a lifestyle that I can stick to without restrictions but like you enjoy what I love and be healthier. Good luck getting back to it and I definitely will be adding you!
  • I will tell my weight loss journey in a nut shell I suppose. I have time to kill.

    My highest weight was 251 pounds. My wife wanted to lose weight and she went on a low carb diet due to PCOS. I started to feel really hungry and drained because of it. Concerned I was not being fed enough I joined weight watchers.
    note: My wife is over a foot shorter then me and typically does most the cooking.

    I ended up starting my weight loss journey then. I lost a lot. My lowest weight at that point was 204. However I stopped logging because of the time it took. I felt it was too time consuming and annoying. I gained the weight back very quickly. Went up to 247 pounds and I was depressed about it. A friend of mine mentioned that they count calories on here so I joined up here instead of WW.

    It has taken me a very long time. Around 3 years to be honest but I have met my goals and I will never stop logging. I will never gain the weight back. I have slowly changed how I live my life in a very sustainable way. I am much more active and I eat much better overall. I eat completely free of guilt a lot. Holidays, get togethers with friends, camping trips all that stuff.

    My weight loss goal when I started MFP was to get to 200 pounds. I did that. When I got there though I realized that 190 was likely a better range for me to shot for. I am now at 195 so I am right there. More importantly though I lift weights. I feel great and I think I look pretty good as well.

    I will say one thing though. I remember going to DMV at one point, sitting in there waiting room forever like we all do. (in America) I was very frustrated with my weight loss. I was stuck at 215 and no matter how hard I tried or what I did I just could not get down to 200. It was frustrating, it really was. I just told myself I was not in a rush so just keep logging and working out and whatever will happen will happen. Overall body weight was not really important anyway just body fat.
    Today I am at 195 so I did get through that point but I also learned the most important lesson to weight loss. Patience!!!!!!!!!

    Wow! Good for you! Yes I definitely need to learn patience. Thank you for sharing your success with me and I know you will reach yiur 5 lb goal because u have done phenomenal thus far
  • My journey started with working out, and that's still my primary focus. I had tried a bunch of diets and either they didn't work, or they worked but they weren't something I could sustain so I inevitably quit and would gain it all back. Did that for 20 years.

    I finally decided I should get in better shape, even if I didn't seem to be able to lose weight, so I hired a personal trainer in February 2013. I saw him 3x a week for 30 minutes of strength training. I did alternating Zumba or Pilates classes every Tuesday night and otherwise for cardio I walked. In May 2013 I started running using Couch to 5K, then did the 5K-to-10K training plan. In June 2014 I ran my first half marathon. I still see my trainer 3x a week. I'm learning to swim, I just bought a bike on Friday, and hope to do a sprint triathlon next summer. I work out 6 days a week and several of those days I work out twice (I'll run or swim before work then strength train or do Pilates after work). Saturdays I typically do my long run so Sundays I'll do low or non-impact cardio cross-training (bike, rowing machine, elliptical, Jacobs Ladder, etc.) plus my trainer will give me strength homework of anything we didn't get to during the week.

    Along the way I lost 92 pounds. I keep it pretty simple. Early on I started logging my calories on MFP. My current streak is 536 days. I aim for a consistent calorie target every day (I don't eat back my exercise calories). I base on that target on the most I can eat and still lose weight. Right now that seems to be about 1600-1700 calories a day. I don't have a goal weight set in stone - will stop when my body is where I want it to be - but I'm estimating I'm within 10 pounds. The biggest key for me is consistency. I don't take planned cheat meals or cheat days, but I also don't deprive myself of any foods that I really want. I take them on a case-by-case basis and seriously weigh the calories against how much I want it. If I have to run 4 miles to burn off a chocolate chip cookie, then it better be worth it. If it's not worth it, there's no point in eating it. If it is worth it, then I will enjoy it guilt free.

    It's been life changing. Sure the weight loss is nice, but the fact that I'm strong and fit and capable and full of energy is what I consider the biggest win.

    Good luck to you!

    ETA: I'm down 92 pounds from 1/1/13 but am down 112 pounds from my highest weight ever. I signed up for MFP right before January of 2013 so I have my weight on Jan 1 of that year as my starting weight for my ticker here.
    Im so happy you have found what works for you. Awesome success. Thaks for sharing your story with me!
  • :smile:
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