
Hi everyone,

I started taking Metformin today to help me lose weight and eventually conceive. I have pcos and am finding it increasing difficult to manage my weight with the condition.

I've seen a couple of threads on here saying how dreadful the medication is and I just wondered what peoples overall experience is of it?

Thanks x


  • miniwheatxoxo
    bump. I also have PCOS. Curious about metformin as well.
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    I have multiple family members with PCOS who have used metformin with good results. Their doctors also had them exercise and eat lower calories, with an emphasis on protein and lower carbohydrates. Keep working with your endocrinologist, best of luck with your weight loss and fertility!
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    I have multiple family members with PCOS who have used metformin with good results. Their doctors also had them exercise and eat lower calories, with an emphasis on protein and lower carbohydrates. Keep working with your endocrinologist, best of luck with your weight loss and fertility!

    This exactly.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Metformin is the most prescribed drug for T2 diabetes so millions of people have or are taking it safely. Some cannot and I am one of those. In 3 weeks, my EGFR dropped from over 60 to 42 so I was immediately taken off it before any permanent kidney damage happened.

    The gastointestinal effects were fairly mild. My doctor started me on 500 mg in the morning, then a week later added 500 with dinner, then another 500 AM, and the last 500 in PM so I was taking 2000 before being taken off it. I did find that the diarrhea happened for about 1-2 days each time I titrated up. It also happened one day when I ate a lot of carbs the previous evening.

    Good luck!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I've taken it and I had issues with blood sugar balance. It became all over the place.
    My gather has become really gassy. And a few other people have told us they had that issue.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS ( also pre-diabetes) in 2009. I started Metformin ( 500 mg. x 2 a day ) and lost 67 lbs.( in 9 months). 243 lbs. to 176 lbs. Surprise I got pregnant at 39 yrs. old with my second child. I had to quit taking while pregnant and breast feeding. Now I'm here to lower my cholesterol and be healthier. I'm soon to be 42 yrs. old with a 16 yr. old and a soon to be 3 yr. old. My Sugar is also good now.

    I personally have had no ill side effects from it other than some constipation which I take extra fiber for.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Ok, Metformin/Metformin ER is NOT a weight loss drug. However, you may experience weight loss while taking Metformin/Metformin ER. It is, indeed a drug used to treat Type II Diabetes but has been proven to be an effective treatment for women with PCOS who are IR (Insulin Resistant). What Metformin/Metformin ER does (in women with PCOS) is help your body to absorb the insulin you are producing, allowing your body to properly metabolize food- thus, your body is functioning properly. With proper diet and exercise, you absolutely WILL lose weight. As for being able to get pregnant, it's definitely not impossible, either.

    Why so many women are able to get pregnant while using Metformin/Metformin ER is because once your insulin levels are regulated, and you're properly metabolizing food, you begin to lose weight, and often times, if there are OTHER hormonal imbalances, it helps to start correcting those as well.

    I take 2500mgs of Metformin ER daily (that is the Extended Release tablets) along with (2) 5mcg injections of Byetta a day. The Byetta helps my body to ONLY produce the insulin I need, while the Metformin ER helps my body to continuously absorb the insulin that is produced. With those two medications, I properly metabolize food. I've lost 175lbs since using the combination, along with keeping a watch on my carbohydrate intake, and being active.

    I was able to get pregnant on my own in 2008 without any fertility drugs or treatments. I did a year's worth of research on BOTH drugs before attempting to get pregnant, and made the decision to stay on BOTH drugs during my pregnancy. I gave birth to a full term baby girl in February of 2009 with no ill effect/defects from the medications.